May 19, 2024  
Policy & Procedure Manual 
Policy & Procedure Manual

Section 3: Employment at MCC

Meridian Community College has over 300 full time employees and provides several programs and benefits. This section outlines those employment aspects that are common to both Faculty and Staff. (Revised, 01/2021)

3.1 Employment Processes

This section outlines the process by which MCC hires employees, evaluates employees, and promotes employees.

3.1.1 Internal Employee Transfer or Search

When a vacancy occurs at the College, an analysis is first conducted by the President in conjunction with relevant administrators to determine if the position needs to be filled, if it can be merged with another position, if it is feasible for the position to be filled internally through an employee transfer from another department, or if the College should conduct an open internal job search. In the case of the former, the Board of Trustees authorizes the President to make his/her best judgment about how an employee can best be utilized within the institution. In the case of an open internal search, an announcement of the vacancy is made on the College’s distribution list, inviting employees who meet the educational and experiential requirements of the position to apply. Search committees for internal searches are formulated and function in the same manner as external searches. (Revised 01/2021)

3.1.2 External Search

All elements associated with external searches, including advertising, are coordinated through the Office of Human Resources. If it is determined that an external search is desired to fill a vacancy, the Human Resource Director secures the President’s written authorization. All external job postings will be posted on MCC’s website for a minimum of five days. Advertisements may, at the discretion of the Human Resource Director, be listed in other media outlets as well. Media outlets may include social media, newspapers, targeted recruitment sites, professional organizations, journals and/or periodicals. The advertisement is required to affirm the college’s commitment to compliance with EEOC guidelines.

The College may also contact relevant organizations regarding the availability of qualified minority candidates and encourage applications in an effort to secure a diverse workforce.

The relevant administrator is charged with formulating a search committee that includes both gender and racial diversity and is approved by the President. The Human Resource Director collects all applications and presents them to the chairperson of the search committee who works with a subset of search committee members to select applicants to be interviewed. The chairperson formulates common questions to be asked of all candidates by members of the search committee, who conduct interviews of selected candidates. Candidates are typically brought to campus for interviews whereby each member of the search committee evaluates them using a predetermined assessment tool. The process may be altered depending on the requirements of the position being considered. Candidates, for example, may be asked to conduct a presentation or complete a skills assessment, among other actions related to requirements of the open position. Upon completion of all interviews, the committee ranks the candidates based on the results of the assessment tool. Ranking preferences are typically based on the candidate’s educational qualifications, previous job experiences/work portfolio, responses to interview questions, and total presentation.

Following the completion of interviews, the search committee makes a recommendation to the President. In its recommendation, the committee has the option of suggesting that the search be re-opened if none of the interviewees are determined to be a good fit for the job or suggesting that, in rank order, only certain interviewees be considered. The President may also ask the search committee to identify the top three to five candidates, without providing ranking information, for the purpose of an additional interview with the President prior to final selection.

If the President approves the committee’s recommendation, the candidate is formally offered the position by either the Human Resources Director or the relevant administrator, contingent upon a favorable background check. In addition, every new, full-time employee is required to be drug tested and to pass that drug test. The President is authorized by the Board of Trustees to establish a salary range for each position and conduct any negotiations on compensation that may transpire in the process. Criteria such as work experience, educational attainment, certifications, etc., typically factor in those negotiations.

If the candidate accepts the offer, his/her formal association with the college becomes official upon approval by the Board of Trustees, which routinely considers personnel matters at monthly meetings.

If the President does not approve of the recommendation of the committee, he/she may ask that the search be closed, delayed, or that a new search be implemented.


Whether the search is internal or external, the President has the final administrative approval regarding those who are hired.

In addition to external candidates, current college employees are eligible to apply for any position in an open search.

To insure the safety of an employee who is under the age of 18, he/she will be subject to the Minors on Campus policy as defined under section 8.2. Those supervising these employees are responsible for following the procedures outlined in 8.2.2, responsible party, rule of three, and two-person supervision. (Revised 01/2021)

3.1.3 Emergency Hires

The Board of Trustees authorizes the President to make an emergency hire when the President deems that the college must replace the position expeditiously so as not to impact negatively the effective operation of the institution. In those rare instances, the President is exempted from following the regular hiring process as previously stated. (Revised 01/2021)

3.1.4 Employment Background Check

Meridian Community College reserves the right to conduct a background screening check with any state or local criminal justice agencies, National Abuse Registries, all previous employers, and any other persons to determine suitability for employment. MCC further reserves the right to obtain a Credit Bureau report on any applicant for employment. The College will also conduct a drug screening for all new employees. The College may refuse to offer employment to any applicant who has a negative result from any of these checks or tests. (Board approved 8/12/08)

3.1.5 New Employee Orientation

All new employees must complete an orientation program at MCC. This includes a tour of the library; an overview of the computing services, telecommunications, and special populations departments; sexual harassment training; a Power Point presentation about other important items of employment; and the review of “How To” booklet used to assist new employees with the processes used on campus. Additionally, they are given the opportunity to request a tour of campus.

3.1.6 Promotions/Lateral Job Changes

Instances may arise within the college in which the promotion of a current employee or the lateral move of an employee from one position of the College to another is in the best interest of theCcollege based on the judgment of the administration. When this occurs, this position change will be recommended by the President to the Board of Trustees. In addition, there may be instances in which a position that is currently filled by a part-time employee is now needed on a full-time basis. Also, a temporary position may be determined to be needed on a full-time basis. This position change will also be presented by the President to the Board of Trustees. (Board approved 6/14/05)

3.1.7 Evaluations

Annual evaluations are required for all full-time employees each spring. The President is evaluated by the members of the Board of Trustees. Each member of the President’s Cabinet is evaluated by their immediate unit-division directors and prepares a self-evaluation. All other employees are evaluated by their immediate supervisor. Evaluation forms are provided by the Human Resource Office. These evaluation forms are maintained in the Human Resource Office.

An employee who has not performed the duties of their position in a satisfactory manner will be placed on probation and given a time limit for improvement to be set by the immediate supervisor. Any employee who is on probation will not be recommended for a raise during the budget process and will not be awarded a raise. At the end of the probationary time, the employee will be re-evaluated by his/her immediate supervisor. (Board approved 6/14/05)

3.1.8 Exit Interviews

All employees who terminate their employment for any reason must complete an exit interview process with MCC. At this time, all required documentation will be completed. The employee will be requested to complete a questionnaire about their experience with MCC, turn in all keys, identification cards, long-distance calling cards, purchasing cards (if applicable) and complete any outstanding paper work, i.e. travel vouchers.

3.2 Code of Ethics

All employees of Meridian Community College are public servants and are compensated by the State of Mississippi. A high degree of public trust has been placed in each position and in each employee. All employees should be mindful of this trust and should conduct themselves with professionalism and in such a manner as to reflect this trust. Employees must avoid all actual or potential conflicts between their public responsibilities and duties and their private affairs. Every effort should be undertaken to minimize even the appearance of any such conflict.

In applying these guidelines, it is important to remember that they are designed to minimize the fact and the appearance of situations which may damage the integrity of Meridian Community College in the eyes of the general public and other governmental agencies. Any activity not specifically covered by these guidelines, which has the potential of undermining the credibility of the college, should be avoided or be minimized.

3.2.1 Conflict of Interests

Employees are not to engage in any activity in either private or official capacity where a real or apparent conflict of interest may exist. All activities that could affect an employee’s objectivity in job performance or in making job-related decisions should be avoided. Such conflict of interest would arise when the employee, officer or agent, any membr of his/her immediate family, his/her partner, or an organization that employs any of those individuals has a financial or other interest in or tangible personal benefit from a firm considered for a contract. 

Membership in professional and civic organizations is encouraged by the College, provided the participation does not adversely affect the individual’s role as a public servant. All participation in professional and civic organizations shall be conducted during an employee’s personal time, unless that employee is acting in an official capacity for the college. Situations which may involve a conflict of interest are detailed below.

Disciplinary actions for any noncompliance with this policy may include termination and/or legal action for the return of any financial personal gain obtained. 

Vendors who believe they have been wrongly excluded because of a conflict of interest may protest in writing to the President of the College within 48 business hours of the contract or agreement being awarded. The protest should provide documentation of perceived conflict of interest. (Revised 03/2021)

3.2.2 Accepting Gratuities

The officers, employees, and agents of the College, as well as any member of their immediate family, a partner, or an organization that employs or is about to employ any of those individuals may neither solicit nor accept gratuities, facvors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to subcontractors or those who conduct business with, or whose business interests are affected by, the College or any of its functions. This provision includes vendors, consultants, and owners of business which are regulated by the College, community and junior colleges, proprietary schools, and others who have business connections with the College. An exception is allowed for items of nominal value that are regularly given in the normal operating practices of vendors. (Revised 03/2021)

3.2.3 Using Position for Personal Gain

Employees must not utilize their position to obtain benefits in the form of money, property, commercial interest, or any other economic gain for themselves, their relatives, or any family business interests. Employees should never disclose information obtained from their employment with the College in any way which might result in any of these benefits. Employees must also guard themselves against the appearance of such conflicts.

If an employee has a question concerning involvement in any organization or about situations which may involve a conflict of interest, he or she should discuss it with his or her supervisor.

3.2.4 Political Activity

Employees are provided a work environment free from political influence or coercion. To maintain this work environment, employees are prohibited from engaging in any political activities during normal working hours. Employees are also prohibited from participating in a political campaign which would directly imply that Meridian Community College has endorsed a particular candidate, such as making an endorsement of a candidate and using the employer’s affiliation with the college in connection with that endorsement.

Mississippi law states that employees of an agency cannot be coerced politically by state officials. The law contains the following provisions:

  • Employees in state service positions are not obligated by reason of their employment to contribute to a political fund or render a political service. Employees may not be removed from their positions or be prejudiced in any way if they refuse to support a particular candidate.
  • No state service employee or state official is allowed to directly or indirectly give, render, pay offer, solicit, or accept any money, service, or other valuable in consideration for or on account of any appointment or promotions (actual or proposed) or any other employment advantage concerning a state service status position.

Employees whose principal employment is in connection with an activity financed in whole or in part by loans or grants from the United States or any agency thereof, must abide by the provisions of the Federal Hatch Act. This Act restricts political activities such as solicitation of contributions or utilization of the official position to influence or interfere with the outcome of an election or nomination.

3.3 Policy on Consensual Relationships

Meridian Community College expects an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between all members of the campus. Because of the innate imbalance of power, faculty members and staff should be aware that dating or sexual relationships that might be acceptable in other circumstances have inherent risks when they occur between an employee and a student as well as when they occur between a supervisor and employee.

Such relationships can create conflict, can have an appearance of exploitation, and can diminish the trust and integrity of the teaching, coaching, or other supervisory relationship. The relationship may also cause a perception of favoritism or bias. In addition, although these relationships may start as consensual, they could later be characterized as nonconsensual and lead to sexual harassment charges. To preserve the educational integrity of the College, Meridian Community College sets forth the following policy and guidelines regarding consensual relationships.

For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply.

Employee: any person who is in the current employ of Meridian Community College to include all faculty and staff members regardless of full-time, part-time, or adjunct status.

Student: any person who is enrolled at Meridian Community College for the purpose of receiving instruction regardless of full-time or part-time status in a traditional classroom or online platform.

Consensual relationship: any relationship either romantic and/or sexual between two persons who voluntarily enter into such a relationship.

3.3.1 Prohibited

Between employee and student: Romantic or sexual relationships between any employee and any student of the College over whom that employee exercises direct or significant academic, supervisory, or evaluative authority or influence are prohibited.

Relationships between students and/or employees who are engaged, married, and/or are currently in an established relationship that was established prior to one or both of the individuals becoming a student or an employee is not prohibited. However, it would remain prohibited for an employee to exercise direct or significant academic, supervisory, or evaluative authority or influence over that person with whom the employee has a relationship.

Between employee and employee: Romantic or sexual relationships between any employee and any other employee of the College over whom that employee exercises direct or significant academic, supervisory, or evaluative authority or influence are prohibited. If such a relationship exists or develops, the supervisory employee must notify his/her supervisor. These situations are handled by individual instance and may require reassignment of one or more employees. The supervisor and the Director of Human Resources will determine appropriate reaction.

3.3.2 Disciplinary Process

All violations of this policy should be reported to the Director of Human Resources for investigation. Any employee who is determined to be in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to verbal counseling, non-punitive and/or punitive written reprimand, and/or termination of an employee from the institution.

The Director of Human Resources will conduct the investigation and may include the immediate supervisor(s) of the employee(s) involved in the violation. Once a determination of policy violation is made, the Director of Human Resources will recommend a course of disciplinary action to the President. The President may accept or modify the recommendation. The action decided by the President will be final.

3.4 Reduction in Force

The Board of Trustees has the responsibility for providing and maintaining quality education. In order to carry out its responsibility the board may abolish or combine job positions, reduce the length of the work year with a concomitant reduction in salary (for salaried employees), and/or reduce the number of employees. When doing so, the board will take into account the following reasons for reduction in force: enrollment, educational programs, and human, material and financial resources.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
The primary objective of the board when reducing the work force will be the maintenance of a fair and balanced educational program consistent with the needs of the students and the functions and responsibilities of the college. Initially, staff reduction will be accomplished by attrition. Subsequently, the board will consider the following factors, not necessarily in the order listed:

  • Criticality of the position to the mission, goals, and objectives of the school district.
  • Area(s) and level(s) of competence indicated by standard certification and degree.
  • Experience, professional training, and length of service within the school district and the work assignment.
  • Quality of performance including teaching capacity and/or executive ability.
  • Skills in areas where the College has instructional and/or supervisory needs.

(Board approved 3/10/09)

3.5 Seeking or Holding Public Office while a College Employee

MCC employees who either seek or hold public office are prohibited from engaging in any activities during regular college work hours related to the public office being sought or held. Examples of prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Campaigning on campus
  • Distributing or posting campaign literature on campus
  • Conducting telephone conversations related to a campaign or public office
  • Holding meetings on campus related to a campaign or office
  • Participating in off-campus meetings associated with the public office without first filing an approved leave form to account for the missed work time. (Approval of the leave by the immediate supervisor is not guaranteed, as it is incumbent upon the supervisor to first make certain that college business will not be negatively impacted by the employee’s absence.)

While MCC employees who are seeking public office are not automatically required to request a leave of absence during a campaign, if the employee or the employee’s supervisor deem that the campaign is negatively impacting in any form or fashion on the employee’s work performance, then an unpaid leave of absence should be requested by the employee and/or recommended by the supervisor to the President.* (NOTE: Before an unpaid leave of absence is approved, the employee must have first exhausted his/her accrued personal and/or annual leave.) If the employee is subsequently elected to public office, he/she has two options:

  1. The employee may return to work if he/she submits a letter to the President, pledging that all work related to the public office will be conducted off campus and not during his/her regular college work hours; OR
  2. Resign his/her position at MCC.

If the President deems, at any point, that the employee has violated the trust established under provision #1, then the President is duty-bound to recommend the employee’s termination to the MCC District Board of Trustees.

The intent of this policy is to insure that ONLY official college business is conducted on college property at all times by employees, and that any real or perceived conflict of interest involving a college employee and the public office he/she seeks or holds is avoided.

*Any employee who is granted an unpaid leave of absence is not guaranteed to be reinstated to the same position he/she formerly held at the college. Rather, the employee is only guaranteed to be reinstated to a position at a like level of responsibility and at the same pay grade.

The Board of Trustees will require any employee to resign immediately prior to taking office if holding that office would produce a conflict of interest such as appropriation of funds for college operation, levying taxes to support the College, or exercising other decision-making authority which would affect the operation of the College.

3.6 Programs and Benefits

Outlined in this section are programs and benefits that are available to all full time employees of Meridian Community College. Benefits such as sick leave and vacation time are unique to the employee’s rank and can be found in the respective section on either Faculty or Staff.

3.6.1 Wellness Program

The Wellness Program benefit is offered to all full-time employees and provides opportunities to engage in up to three hours of officially recognized wellness activities on- or off-campus as part of weekly work schedules. Participation in the wellness program is contingent upon approval of the immediate supervisor and is not guaranteed, as the functionality of each college office/department is superordinate to consideration of individual employee participation in the program. To be clear, there are some MCC offices in which employee participation in this program is not, from a practical standpoint, conducive to ensuring adequate coverage of regular work hours and service to students. That determination is the responsibility of the department supervisor. Off-Campus Activities

To take advantage of this benefit, the employee must enroll in a for-credit online HPR activity course. Employees who elect this option may reduce their on-campus work schedule by the three hours devoted to the off-campus HPR activity course. For instance, a faculty member is traditionally contracted to work 35 on-campus hours, but under this provision may reduce his/her on-campus obligation to 32 hours so long as the individual is enrolled in a for-credit HPR course. If the employee withdraws from the HPR activity course during the course of the semester, the employee must let their supervisor know and adjust their work schedule accordingly. On-Campus Activities

On-campus activities may involve (1) an aforementioned for-credit HPR course or (2) other non-credit activities sanctioned by the MCC Wellness Committee, including jogging, walking, weightlifting, tennis, biking, aerobics, swimming or any HPR activity course taken on an audit (not-for-credit) basis.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
The Wellness Program is directed by the MCC Wellness Committee, made up of volunteer faculty and staff representatives from each building. The Committee meets each semester to select special events and screenings for the semester.                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Revised 04/09/2024)

3.6.2 Tuition Assistance

Meridian Community College recognizes the importance in supporting the educational goals of employees and their families. In an effort to make these goals more attainable, MCC offers tuition assistance to its employees and their immediate family members. These assistance programs are outlined below. Tuition Assistance for MCC Credit Courses

The College encourages faculty to continue their education in job related areas and for personal enrichment and development through providing tuition payment for full-time faculty and full-time staff who, with supervisor approval, enroll in credit courses at the college. Faculty or staff wishing to enroll in credit courses must get approval from his/her respective supervisor before registering for the credit courses. Approval is at the discretion of the supervisor based upon such factors as the direct impact of the faculty/staff member’s absence upon the division or department’s operation and the ability of the department to function effectively during the absence. Full-time faculty and full-time staff may be approved for day, evening, or weekend classes that do not adversely affect his/her contractual responsibilities to the college or otherwise inhibit the effective operation of his/her division or department. The course(s) ordinarily should be taken outside normal work hours. The following conditions apply to the use of employee tuition assistance for credit courses at MCC:

  • The College will pay tuition and fees for approved credit courses each term including summer terms, except for fees related to golf, bowling, scuba diving, and commercial truck driving.
  • Each Dean/Department Head will approve requests for tuition assistance from faculty and/or staff they supervise.
  • The faculty member is expected to comply with class attendance policies and complete the course(s) with a grade of “C” or better or refund to the college the cost of tuition. Completion of the tuition assistance request is to be considered agreement to this requirement.
  • Faculty members must agree to authorize payroll deduction for tuition costs for classes not completed with a “C” or better and authorize release of grades for “tuition assistance” courses to their respective supervisor and/or Dean. Tuition Scholarships for Family Members

The policy of Meridian Community College is to provide tuition-only scholarships to the immediate family members who enroll in credit courses at the college of full-time faculty and full-time staff. Immediate family is specifically defined as spouses, sons, or daughters currently living as members of the employee’s household. Such tuition-only scholarships will be coordinated with other student financial aid benefits so that the total cost of tuition for the family member will be covered for the respective semester of enrollment. The Dean of Student Affairs is responsible for administration of this policy. Continuing Education Scholarships for Employees

Meridian Community College faculty and staff (who are not primarily employed in a student labor position) may be eligible for a scholarship of partial course tuition fees for classes offered through workforce development or continuing education department of the college. All other additional costs of courses such as supplies or required materials, travel, or touring, etc. are the responsibility of the employee. The full cost of a workforce or continuing education course is not scholarship eligible. Class fees may be discounted. 

The Director of Workforce Grants and Development will determine which classes will be available for this scholarship. There are courses that may be excluded from eligibility.

To be eligible:

  • The employee must be employed full-time at the time the class begins.
  • The employee must obtain approval from their supervisor for both the scholarship and the time needed to take the course. (Some course offerings may occur at times inconvenient for some departments. If schedules cannot be arranged to accommodate an employee’s desire for a course, they should express this need to the Director of Workforce Grants and Development as additional classes may be possible.)

Before any class will be available for a scholarship the required number of paying students must have registered. The class registration will be open for paying customers for a period of time prior to admittance of an employee with a scholarship. At the end of the registration period, employees who have submitted an application, signed and approved by his/her supervisor will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Approved full-time employees will not be docked for time spent in class within normal working hours. Full-time employees may receive only one scholarship for the period of time from the first day of the class to the last day of the class. Retiree Benefits

In recognition of faithful service to Meridian Community College, any full- or part-time employee retiring in good standing with a minimum of 10 years of service will be accorded the following benefits:

  • Free use of fitness center/pool facilities
  • Free annual passes to Arts & Letters Series events
  • Free lifetime pass to MCC home intercollegiate sports events
  • Check out privileges at the L.O. Todd Library.

These benefits may be revoked for any retiree who does not abide by rules or policies of the college.

3.7 Resources Provided to Employees

This section outlines the primary resources provided to the Employees of the college. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather a list of the most important resources provided.

3.7.1 Faculty/Staff Mailboxes

The mailboxes for faculty/staff are located in Ivy-Scaggs Hall. Faculty members are encouraged to observe the following:

  • Leave nothing of value in a mailbox.
  • Students should never be sent to collect mail for faculty or staff for any reason!

3.7.2 General Office Needs

General office needs are supplied as follows:

  • Key to office and classrooms - appropriate dean
  • Office desk, chair, filing cabinet, bookshelves, and wastebasket (when available) - appropriate dean
  • Name plate to go on office door - Human Resource Director (ext. 1508)

3.7.3 Supplies

General supplies such as envelopes, folders, paper clips, staples, etc. are available in the Todd Library and may be requested through the Secretary in Learning Resources. MCC letterhead is available in L.O. Todd Library. Additional supplies may be requested on forms in the appropriate Dean’s office. Individual faculty should not charge supply items in the Bookstore that are ordinarily requisitioned by the appropriate Dean.

3.7.4 Telephones

Each faculty member is provided with a telephone. Long-distance calls charged to MCC, should be made for business use ONLY. Students should not use office telephones. An Access Code is required to make long-distance calls. Access Codes are Identification Codes assigned to each full-time employee and to some part-time employees as needed. These codes are maintained by the Telecommunications department. If you have any questions about your code or the use of the Voicemail system, check with Telecommunications. These codes should be safeguarded by the employee.

3.7.5 Parking

All employees are issued parking decals in the Security Office located in Ivy-Scaggs Hall. The decal should be placed on the outside bottom of the left rear window.

3.8 Services Available to Employees

Meridian Community College offers many services on campus. These services range from catering service to word processing.

3.8.1 Food Services

Meridian Community College has contracted with Valley Innovative Services for the operation of our Cafeteria. The Cafeteria will be open from the first day of class until the last day of final exams; and closed on days when classes are dismissed. All mealtimes provide the option of a short-order meal or a hot-meal cafeteria style. The Cafeteria will not serve hot-meals during the summer term unless summer programs make this a viable option.

The Cafeteria may provide the catering for events on campus. Catering Request Forms can be obtained from the Physical Plant office, which must be processed through the Facilities Coordinator (ext. 1822) and then directed to the cafeteria (ext. 1716). Outside caterers may be used. Each Department needing food services should investigate the best solution in price and quality for their needs.

Request for reserving space/rooms on campus should be made through the Facilities Coordinator at ext. 1822. There is no charge for the rental of space for all campus organizations. There will be a rental fee and a custodial fee for the rental of space to external organizations that are not affiliated with Meridian Community College.

3.8.2 Physical Plant Services

The objective of your Physical Plant Department is to provide the services needed to maintain and operate the physical facilities of Meridian Community College. Requests for custodial services may be made by calling extension 1617 and maintenance services by calling extension 1651. Your report of deficiencies or request for services will be recorded and a work order issued to the proper person in the Physical Plant Department.

DO NOT MOVE ANY FURNITURE FROM ROOM TO ROOM without permission of the Director of Physical Plant, EXT. 1615; NO EXCEPTIONS.


3.8.3 Facility Requests (Scheduling Room/Catering/Furniture)

College facility requests for non-classroom activities must be scheduled at least one week prior to the activity by contacting the Facilities Corrdinator. The Facilities Coordinator maintains a master calendar of all events scheduled. This scheduling includes requests for custodial/maintenance services, security and production center services. Cafeteria supplies and cafeteria food are requested through the cafeteria manager, ext. 1716. If you are scheduling an event that requires food service, you must request a catering form from the cafeteria. All changes and modifications on existing requests must be coordinated through the Facilities Coordinator.

3.8.4 Monday Morning

Monday Morning is a weekly publication for faculty and staff. This bulletin contains a calendar of events and items of information and interest to faculty and staff and is distributed via intranet. Faculty and staff are encouraged to submit to the Public Information Specialist (ext. 1689) all news items NO LATER than NOON WEDNESDAYS for the following week’s publication.

3.8.5 Library Services

The L.O. Todd Library is located in the center of campus and contains the collections for MCC. Hours vary from semester to semester; check with the library for current service hours. Hours will be posted for holidays, school closings and the summer.

The library’s collection contains books, audio visual materials, periodicals, online databases and e-books. Books may be checked out for two weeks and may be renewed whenever necessary as long as a hold has not been placed on the book. No late fees will be assessed; however faculty must pay for lost or damaged materials. Arrangements can be made for semester loans. Reference books are for in library use only unless arrangements are made with a librarian for overnight use. Audio visual materials (VHS, DVDs, etc.) designed to support the curricula are available for instructors to check out for use in the classroom. Faculty members are asked to return the materials as soon as possible so that students who missed class may view the material in the library. Electronic or eBooks are also available. To check out an eBook, faculty or students must first establish an eBook account from on campus. After that eBooks can be checked out from any location via the World Wide Web. Portable readers are not yet available. Electronic periodical databases, many with full-text titles are also available. These databases have been purchased by MCC, the MAGNOLIA Consortium, or Mississippi Electronic Library Online the Mississippi Virtual Community College consortium. Off-campus access to these databases will require a user name and password. Please check with a librarian for more information regarding off-campus use. An LP collection of classic recordings in both musical and spoken word is being reintroduced to the collection. The college archives contain special and archival collections. These materials are only available by special arrangement with the library director. A textbook collection, based on books supplied by each division, is available for many (though not all) classes taught at MCC. These books can be used in the library only for two-hour increments.

A learning commons is available for student use. The learning commons provides students with access to computers, scanners and printers. A variety of seating arrangements is provided in the learning commons in order of accommodate individual or group study. The Library is also a WIFI facility and provides a variety of seating to accommodate students who bring their own computers. The learning commons attempts to provide students with access to software used in most MCC curriculums.

Supplies used to support administrative functions of faculty and staff are dispensed from the library from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 3:30 on Fridays.

Faculty members are encouraged to take an active role in the selection of print and AV resources for the library collections. Faculty requests for instructional library resources should be submitted on the appropriate forms co-signed by their division chair. A faculty member may put materials on reserve by submitting the proper form to the circulation librarian AT LEAST 24 hours before the materials are needed by students.

The librarians offer instructional tours of the library and production center as well as provide in class demonstrations in order to teach the fine points of searching for library materials in an online environment. Arrangements must be made with a librarian before scheduling classes to meet in the library. Faculty are expected to accompany their classes to the library when tours or work periods are scheduled during class time.

The library catalog and electronic databases are available for access both on and off campus. The College website has a direct link to the library home page which will link faculty/staff to the library collection and services from most computers on campus. The MCC website will allow faculty, staff, students and the public to view the library collections from World Wide Web sites at off-campus locations.

3.8.6 Production Center

The Production Center offers a variety of audio-visual services that can be used for instructional purposes.

The Production Center

  • will deliver a multi-media system if the request is submitted no later than 12:30 p.m. prior to the day needed (faculty may pick up equipment after that time until 4:30 p.m., if it is available),
  • a technician is available Monday through Thursday to assist faculty with AV problems in the classroom. Call extension 789,
  • has one multimedia room that can be scheduled for class viewing of AV materials. This room seats 55 (special arrangements must be made for using viewing room before or after regular hours of operation). A webinar room is available and can accommodate groups or individuals needing a place to participate in webinars delivered via the World Wide Web,
  • can download satellite programming. Should you wish to bring down a program, please contact the Production Center at least seven days in advance of the delivery date, and
  • administers the interactive telecommunications classroom, which is MCC’s node on the Mississippi Community College Network.

The webmaster designs the college’s home page and is responsible for maintaining college services appropriate for delivery via the World Wide Web. In addition, the webmaster will assist faculty in designing web pages that relate to individual courses or divisions. Other services provided by the Production Center include graphic production, audio and video production for instructional use only. (See Learning Resources under “FORMS AND REPORTS” for time frame in making requests.) The Production Center manages a non-commercial channel on COMCAST Meridian in exchange for facilitating the delivery of the Meridian City Council and the Lauderdale County Board meetings on the local COMCAST cable system.

3.8.7 Duplication

MCC’s Duplication Services is ready to serve you. You must take each job to the Duplication Department, located in the lower level of the L.O. Todd Library and complete an instructional form. This tells the equipment operator of the number of copies, whether or not you would like it duplexed, or if high security is needed.

Student workers may not take material to or retrieve material from Duplication. Faculty who pick up a colleague’s work must sign the register indicating whose material they are retrieving.

Priority is given to those who wish to wait for completion of the job. High speed copiers are used to complete work orders quickly. However, during the beginning and ending of each semester, when the workload is high, duplication cannot guarantee a quick turnaround. It is recommended you bring jobs a few days in advance during the peak times of the year.

You are limited to 2,000 copies of any particular work order unless special permission is given by the Director of Library Services. Duplication of copyrighted material may require the requestor to show proof that permission has been granted before copyrighted material can be repeatedly copied.

Duplication is an in-house service. Booklets that require special features or color printing are sent to an off-campus professional printer. Prior approval with divisional account numbers may be required for specialized printing requests. Consult with the College’s Promotions Director for information on customized printing jobs.

3.8.8 College Communications

College Communications is responsible for facilitating communication in a reliable, ethical, and resourceful manner, and to centralize the flow of information emanating from the College to external audiences to ensure consistency, uniformity and accuracy of the message. Charged with refining, promoting, and maintaining the College’s reputation and image, College Communications strives to convey the ideals and purpose of the institution and the accomplishments of its employees, students, and academic areas in an accurate professional manner.

The mission of College Communications is to promote positive relations between the College and its many constituents; enhance internal and external communications; help the College achieve its goal of being one of the nation’s best community colleges; and integrate and coordinate the College’s various public relations, promotions, communications, publications, advertising, and news operations to provide the most efficient and effective public relations and promotions efforts.

Anyone speaking to the media on behalf of Meridian Community College or marketing the College to the public should do so through this office. (Revised 8/10/2021)

3.9 Employee Protection (Whistleblower) Policy

If any employee believes that some policy, practice, or activity of Meridian Community College is in violation of a law, a written complaint must be filed by that employee with the Director of Human Resources. The complaint may be filed through Eaglenet via a “Whistleblower” link, by email, or in person to the Director of Human Resources. The whistleblower form may be completed anonymously. However, please note, anyone who decides to report anonymously should be aware that this might hinder any investigation and may result in an inconclusive finding.

It is the intent of Meridian Community College to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the organization and the purpose of this policy is to support the organization’s goal of legal compliance. The support of all employees is necessary to achieve compliance with various laws and will bring any unlawful activity, policy, or practice to the attention of the College. This provides the College with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity. The protection described is only available to employees who comply with this requirement.

The College will not retaliate against employees who, in good faith, disclose, threaten to disclose, protest, or raise a complaint against any activity, policy, or practice of the College, or of another individual or entity with whom the College has a business relationship, that the employee reasonably believes is in violation of a law, or a rule, or regulation mandated pursuant to law or is in violation of a clear mandate or public policy concerning the health, safety, welfare, or protection of the environment.

A log of all reported cases will be maintained by the Director of Human Resources. Investigations will be conducted as necessary and, if appropriate, necessary action will be conducted to rectify the non-compliance. Outcomes of all cases will be documented.

(Adopted, December 2020)

3.10 Fraud

As a publicly supported institution, the College has a fiduciary responsibility to protect all assets entrusted to the College and to ensure that we efficiently use all resources. All employees of the College must comply with all applicable state and federal laws, policies approved by the Board of Trustees, and procedures established by the College. No college employee shall perpetuate, engage in, or otherwise facilitate the act of committing fraud or theft. Additionally, no college employee shall be compelled by a supervisor or a college official to violate a law or college policy.

3.10.1 Responsibility to Report

Employees are responsible for immediately reporting known or suspected incidents of fraud including theft and misappropriations of college assets to the Vice PResident for Financial Services/CFO. All facts related to this known or suspected incident should be considered privileged information and should not be discussed with other college employees.

This policy applies to any known or suspected fraud involving employees, customers, vendors, contractors, consultants, or other parties related to the college.

The following items are examples and does not represent a complete listing of possible fraudulent activities and whether known or suspected, should be reported:

  • Theft or misappropriation of funds, supplies, property, or other college resources
  • Forgery or alteration of documents
  • Unauthorized alteration or manipulation of computer files
  • Improper or wasteful activity
  • Falsification of reports to management or external agencies
  • Pursuit of a benefit or advantage in violation of the Board of Trustee’s conflict of interest policy
  • Authorization or receipt of compensation for hours not worked

3.10.2 Consequences of Fraudulent Activity

It is the policy of the College to pursue legal action based upon the merits of the case in consultation with college legal counsel. In addition, employees engaging in fraud will be required to pay restitution, including the cost of the investigation. Employees violating this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, termination.

The submission of a resignation by an employee accused or suspected of fraud or theft will not prohibit later disciplinary action including restitution and legal action. Should restitution be required, payment arrangements will be established through the Vice President for Financial Services/CFO with approval from the President of the College. If a claim filed by the College on its crime insurance policy is paid by the provider of coverage, the insurance company has the right to seek compensation for the crime by legal means.

Employees that engage in fraudulent activities are not acting within the scope of their employment and should not expect protection under the Mississippi Tort Claims Act or any applicable college insurance policy.

3.10.3 Prohibition Against Any Retaliation for Reporting

No employee shall take a retaliatory act against an individual for reporting, or causing to be reported, suspected wrongdoing or for assisting in an authorized investigation of alleged wrongdoing.

Individuals who believe they have been subjected to retaliation in violation of this policy should notify the Chief Financial Officer and/or the Human Resource Director. (Adopted 12/2019)

3.11 Confidential Information

During the course of employment, College personnel may have access to Confidential Information. Any Confidential Information, whether oral, written, or electronic, should be maintained in a manner that ensures its confidentiality. The release of any such Confidential Information may result in negative financial or competitive action, productive loss, or cause legal or other non-beneficial impacts on Meridian Community College. Any employee who compromises Confidential Information is covered by this policy, although employees in certain areas may be asked to sign an Employee Confidentiality Agreement.

Confidential Information must be treated with respect and care by any employee who is authorized to have access to this information. Employees who are authorized to use or disclose Confidential Information also have the responsibility to safeguard access to such information and are authorized to limit access to those who are allowed by permission and/or by law. The access must be appropriate to the employee’s job responsibility. A breach is a violation of this policy and/or state or federal regulatory requirements resulting in the unauthorized or inappropriate use, disclosure or access of Confidential Information.

Confidential Information is defined as any communication, information, or reception of knowledge and includes facts, documents, data, or opinions that may consist of numerical, graphic or narrative formswhether oral, printed, or electronic including in databases or on papers. Confidential Information includes but is not limited to student records, financial records, human resources/payroll records, legal documents, passwords, codes, and data. MCC governs subsets of Confidential Information under separate policies including, but not limited to, Policy 3.22 Code of Ethics, Policy 4.22 Personnel Files, Policy 4.23.5 Protection of Confidential Information, 6.9 Information Security, Policy, 8.10.6 Medical Records Keeping, Policy 11.4.6 Confidentiality and Record Keeping, and the College Catalog sections regarding Policy on Privacy and the Release of Educational Records, both of which outline our compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974.

Reporting Responsibilities

The individual, who commits, observes, or becomes aware of an unauthorized or inappropriate access, use or disclosure of Confidential Information is responsible for promptly reporting such to one of the following: Immediate supervisor, department head or manager of the area in which the individual works, and/or the Director of Human Resources.

The immediate supervisor will coordinate a review of the potential breach with Human Resources and, when applicable, review the circumstances surrounding the breach, mitigation steps, and any harmful effect that may result from the breach. Human Resources staff, in conjunction with College administration, will determine appropriate sanctions concerning the breach. All employees of the College are subject to all applicable laws and regulations. Violations of the Confidential Information Policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination. (Adopted 03/2021)