Oct 17, 2024  
2024-2025 MCC Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 MCC Academic Catalog

Academic Information

Academic Grades

All academic grades are included when computing semester and cumulative grade point averages. Each grade carries the following quality points for each semester hour on a 4.0 scale:

Grade Interpretation Quality Point Value/Semester Hour
A Excellent 4.0
B Good 3.0
C Average 2.0
D Poor 1.0
F Failure 0.0
I Incomplete 0.0

Faculty members will provide their grading scales on the “First Day Handout.”

The grade of “I” may be given at the end of the semester only in exceptional cases when illness or other unavoidable reasons prevent the student from taking the final examination or completing a major class project on time. The “I” becomes an “F” if requirements for completing the course are not met by the end of the ninth week of the following regular (excludes summer term) semester.

Administrative grades are as follows:
W - Withdrawal prior to published withdrawal date
AU - Registered for audit, not credit

The temporary grade of Incomplete (“I”) and the administrative grades are not included when computing semester and cumulative grade point averages. They may, however, be used in computing satisfactory progress for federal financial aid or veterans’ benefits. See the explanations under those headings.

Quality Points & GPA

Quality of student work is measured by “quality points.” The quality points for each letter grade are given in the previous chart. The following process is used to determine a student’s grade point average (GPA): for each semester hour completed with a grade of “A,” 4 quality points are given; for each semester hour completed with a grade of “B,” 3 quality points are given; for each semester hour completed with a grade of “C,” 2 quality points are given; for each semester hour completed with a grade of “D,” 1 quality point is given. Thus, a three-hour course completed with a grade of “A” gives the student 12 quality points; a four-hour course completed with a grade of “C” carries 8 quality points.

A student’s GPA is determined by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of hours completed (excludes withdrawals and repeats). For example,

Course Grade Semester Hours Quality Pts.
ENG 1113 A 3 3 x 4.0 = 12
BIO 1134 C 4 4 x 2.0 =  8
  Total 7 20

The 20 quality points earned divided by the 7 hours completed equals a 2.8571 grade point average (GPA).

It is a requirement that each Associate in Arts degree candidate has a 2.00 cumulative grade point average as well as a 2.00 GPA on all work completed at MCC in order to graduate. Associate of Applied Science degree candidates must have a 2.00 on their program coursework.

Repeated MCC Coursework

Upon completion of a repeated course (both courses must have been taken at MCC) only the higher grade will be calculated into the institutional and cumulative GPA. However, both the original and the repeated grade and credits will show on the transcript. All grades are considered included in GPA calculations unless notated with an “E”.

Audit Coursework

A course taken for audit will be recorded on the student’s transcript as an audit “AU.” The student will be expected to attend class and participate, as would a credit-seeking student. The student will neither receive credit for the course, nor will it affect the grade point average in any way. Regular tuition and fees are charged for an audited course. Students should note that federal, state, or institutional financial aid will not pay for an audited course.

A student who wants to change a course from credit “CR” to audit “AU” status must submit a completed “Credit to Audit Change Form” for each course that the student wants to change to audit status. A student has through the 50% point of the course length to change the status of a course from credit to audit, with the instructor’s approval. The “Credit to Audit Change Form” can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office or an Advisor. A student who has enrolled in a class for audit will earn the non-credit grade of “AU.” The student cannot change enrollment status from audit “AU” to credit “CR” once a class has started.

Class Attendance

MCC students are expected to attend class regularly. Instructors are required to keep accurate attendance records. Specific attendance requirements for each course are determined and enforced by the instructor and presented in writing to the class at its first meeting. The attendance requirements vary from instructor to instructor.

It is the responsibility of the student to consult with the instructor, in advance when possible, if an absence is inevitable. The instructor will determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused. Excused absences may require written documentation. The instructor will also consider how class work is to be made up and how credit for such work will be assigned.

If the student fails to attend classes for 2 consecutive weeks, or the equivalent, (depending on the class meeting schedule) without making prior arrangements with the instructor, then they may be dropped from the roll with a “W” being recorded on the student’s transcript. The student then has 10 days to petition for reinstatement or a grade change. The instructor is authorized to reinstate a student if they can justify reinstatement. If no reinstatement is sought, the grade of “W” will become permanent.

Grade Review Policy

Questions about grades received in a course should first be directed to the instructor. Students have the right to a review of a final course grade after the end of each semester. It is the student’s responsibility to request the grade review in writing to the instructor of record in the relevant course. The written request of the grade review must be presented to the instructor within 30 calendar days after the close of the final exam period for the fall semester, within 120 calendar days after the close of the final exam period of the spring semester, and within 30 calendar days after all summer, interim, and short-term courses. The instructor of record in the relevant course will provide a written response explaining the rationale for the instructor’s decision on the final grade to the student requesting the review within 10 calendar days. The instructor will provide a copy of the written request and the written response to the appropriate division chair. Any further action, if needed, will be decided upon by the division chair and/or the appropriate dean(s).

The Phil Hardin Foundation Honors College

The Phil Hardin Foundation Honors College at Meridian Community College offers academically-gifted students the opportunity to enhance their educational experience. Designed to complement the University Transfer Program through enriched courses, the Honors College develops students’ leadership skills and offers more individualized academic support. Additionally, students gain the opportunity for growth in a myriad of ways including volunteering, traveling, and meeting with leaders and stewards of the community. Those who complete graduation requirements for the honors college will be awarded an honors college diploma and will be eligible to transfer into the honors college at participating Mississippi universities.

To be considered for enrollment in The Phil Hardin Foundation Honors College, prospective students must meet the following admission requirements:

Entering freshmen must

  • Have a composite ACT score of 24 with no sub-score less than 19.
  • Have a high school GPA of 3.5.
  • Have a GPA of 3.25 on all Dual Credit/Enrollment coursework, if any.
  • Submit an Honors Application.
  • Submit two letters of recommendation, with at least one of those being from a teacher or administrator at their current school.

Students who do not qualify for admission to the Honors College upon high school graduation or who do not apply for the Honors College prior to their first semester at MCC may apply for admission during their first semester, to be effective their second semester. To apply for admission, returning students must

  • Must remain at MCC at least one year.
  • Submit an Honors Application.
  • Submit two letters of recommendation completed by MCC faculty or staff.

Students admitted to The Phil Hardin Foundation Honors College are expected to set high standards for themselves, both academically and behaviorally. Students are required to remain enrolled in 15 hours and maintain a 3.25 GPA. If a student’s enrollment falls below 15 hours, the student may be immediately dismissed from the Honors College. If a student’s GPA drops below 3.25, he or she will be placed on probation for one semester. If at the end of the probation period the student’s GPA is still below 3.25, he or she will be dismissed from the Honors College. Students who receive disciplinary sanctions from the institution are subject to be dismissed from the Honors College.

To graduate with a diploma from the Honors College, students must complete at least four academic, traditional courses (3 credit hours or above). Hours earned in the honors leadership course will count towards this requirement. In addition, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete 4 Honors College Classes.
  • Complete one honors forum per semester, unless otherwise approved by the co-directors.
  • Complete required leadership course.
  • Complete a cumulative total of 20 hours of documented community service.
  • Maintain full-time status.
  • Maintain a 3.25 GPA.

For more information, contact The Phil Hardin Foundation Honors College at 601-484-8829 or 601-484-8662.

Graduating from MCC

MCC confers degrees during commencement exercises at the end of the spring semester (May), at the end of the summer term (August), and at the end of the fall semester (December). A student must complete a prescribed program of study to receive an Associate in Arts Degree, an Associate of Applied Science Degree, or a one- or two-year Certificate from MCC. MCC also awards Career Certificates and Technical Certificates in certain programs.

Each student is responsible for acquainting themselves with the requirements for graduation. A minimum of 60 semester hours is required to graduate with an Associate Degree, although some programs require more than 60 hours. Specific course requirements are contained in the Programs of Study section of this catalog. Academic advisors will assist in every way possible, but the final responsibility for meeting all requirements for a degree in a program of study rests with the student.

Students who plan to graduate and then transfer to a university must maintain a 2.00 cumulative GPA (CGPA) as well as a 2.00 GPA on all work attempted at MCC to graduate. Students planning to graduate in a Workforce or Career and Technical Education program must maintain an overall 2.00 CGPA in all their program coursework and pass all career-specific coursework with a grade of “C” or better. If transfer credit is used to meet the requirements for graduation, the transfer credit added to the MCC credit must yield at least a 2.00 GPA.

Students must complete 25% of their degree program at MCC to be considered for graduation. Students applying for an Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS) or a Certificate must apply within three calendar years following the last semester of attendance; this requirement is waived for active duty Service Members and their family members. Students in the Associate Degree Nursing or a Health Education program must complete the final semester of technical courses in residency.

Applying for Graduation

Every student who is to receive an Associate in Arts, Associate of Applied Science, or a Certificate from MCC must complete a graduation application. The student should meet with their advisor (in the advising area) to determine whether all requirements have been met. Each student is encouraged to participate in the commencement (graduation) ceremony. The student may pay the commencement fee to the Business Office and participate in the commencement ceremony or choose not to participate and their diploma will be mailed to them at no cost. Those who do not wish to participate in the ceremony will not be required to pay a commencement fee; however, application deadlines still apply. A late commencement fee for participants will be assessed for graduation applications received after the published deadline.

All diplomas are mailed to students, ceremony participants or not, by the end of the month following the commencement ceremony.

The student must also pay all fees and discharge all other financial obligations to the College before a diploma or official transcript will be issued.

Honors for Graduation

Honors for graduation are determined solely on the Institutional (MCC) GPA. Students who attain a 3.25-3.49 GPA on all work attempted at Meridian Community College are eligible to graduate with “honors.” Students who earn a 3.50-3.74 MCC GPA are eligible to graduate with “high honors.” If a student attains an MCC GPA of 3.75-4.00, they are eligible to graduate with “highest honors.”

Reverse Transfer Policy

Former students may transfer work back to Meridian Community College to complete degree requirements subject to the following requirements:

  • The reverse transfer policy applies to the Associate in Arts degree only.
  • The maximum amount of credits that may be transferred back shall be 45 credit hours.
  • Coursework is subject to the guidelines set forth in the transfer credit policy, located in Section 2 of the MCC Catalog.
  • The student must complete the degree requirements and apply for graduation.

Academic Standings

Students are classified by the following policy:

  • Students are in “good standing” if they achieve at least a “C” (2.0) average.
  • Students are on “academic probation” if, at the end of a semester, they have not earned at least a 2.0 GPA. Students placed on academic probation are advised by letter and asked to meet with their advisor several times during the next semester.
  • Full-time students who were on academic probation the previous semester must earn a “C” average on at least 12 hours or be placed on “academic suspension” for a semester, excluding the summer term. (Summer terms are treated independently of the fall or spring semester for academic probation or suspension purposes.)
  • If a student wishes to request permission to continue college when facing academic suspension, they must petition the Dean of Student Affairs in writing. This written appeal should address any reason why the student has not been successful, including any extenuating circumstances. If the suspension appeal is approved, the Dean of Student Affairs will clear the student to register. A student on “academic appeal” must earn a 2.00 GPA for the semester of the appeal or be placed on academic suspension for one academic year without appeal. The decision to reinstate a student facing academic suspension is made by the Dean of Student Affairs.
  • Students in health education programs who fall below the published minimum academic requirements will be notified.

President’s and Dean’s Lists

MCC recognizes scholastic achievements by publishing the President’s and Dean’s Lists at the end of the fall and spring semesters. The President’s List includes students completing 12 or more semester hours who have a grade point average of 4.00. The Dean’s List includes students completing 12 or more semester hours who have a grade point average of 3.25 to 3.99.

Transcript of Record

A student may obtain an official copy of their transcript by submitting a written request to the Registrar’s Office in Ivy-Scaggs Hall or by submitting an online request though the MCC website. A student may obtain an unofficial transcript through Eaglenet. No transcript will be furnished until the student has resolved any hold(s) placed on their account. Effective October 1, 2020, there will be a fee of $5.00 charged for each official electronic or paper transcript provided. Students who are in the foster care system or placed in legal custody of the Mississippi Department of Child Protective Services will be provided their transcript at no charge.

Enrollment Verification

 A letter of Enrollment Verification can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office.

Policy on Privacy

MCC is in compliance with the policies on privacy of student records as described in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Under FERPA, students enrolled in any post-secondary educational institution receiving federal funds are given certain rights concerning review of their education records. The following rights are accorded under this act:

  • Unless one of the following criteria applies, Meridian Community College does not release directory information on students. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) does not require information be released, which is at the discretion of the institution. It is MCC’s policy not to provide student information to third parties. 
  • Students are entitled to have access to their educational records upon proper request. Students are not entitled to have access to instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel records; campus security records; employment records; or alumni/advancement office records.
  • Students are entitled to inspect and review their educational records and to challenge the contents if they feel those contents are inaccurate, misleading, in violation of privacy or other rights, or if they contain inaccurate data. The College may require that a college official be present when a student inspects and reviews his/her educational records. Any questions concerning a student’s access to records should be directed to the Registrar’s office.
  • The College must have written consent before any educational records are released to third parties (colleges, potential employers, etc.) that have requested copies of a student’s educational records.
  • Upon receipt of a subpoena or judicial order requiring the President of MCC to relinquish control of a student’s records, the student will be notified insofar as possible of the subpoena or judicial order before the President relinquishes control of the records.
  • The College maintains a list containing the signature, the date and the reason for all individuals receiving access to a student’s records. The student is entitled to have access to this list. The law, however, allows college officials, including instructors, to have access to a student’s educational records without signature.

Release of Educational Records

The College will release a student’s educational record(s) upon the student’s written request. The student must:

  • Specify the records to be disclosed.
  • State the purpose or purposes of the disclosure.
  • State the party or parties and the address to which the disclosed information is to be sent.

The student shall, upon request, receive a copy of the record that is to be disclosed. It is college policy to furnish single copies of a student’s record at no charge.

  • The College may release a student’s educational records to the following without prior written consent:
  • To college officials who have a legitimate interest in the records. College officials are defined as teachers, administrative personnel and other employees, such as campus security officers.
  • To officials of another school in which the student intends to enroll.
  • To government representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of Education, the U. S. Commissioner of Education, the Director of the National Institute of Education, the Assistant Secretary of Education, State educational authorities, and State officials to whom such information is specifically required to be reported or disclosed by State law adopted prior to November 19, 1974.
  • To appropriate authorities in connection with financial aid with the understanding that only the necessary records will be released.
  • To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the College for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student financial aid programs, and improving instruction and student life, provided that the studies will not permit the personal identification of students and their parents by individuals other than representatives of the organization and provided that the personally identifiable information furnished will be destroyed when no longer needed for the purposes for which the study was conducted.
  • To accrediting organizations to carry out accrediting functions.
  • To a parent of a dependent student as defined in section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. College officials may release educational records to a parent on the basis of written certification from the parent that the student is a dependent as defined under the Code.
  • To officials of the courts in compliance with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena with the understanding that the student will be notified in advance insofar as possible.
  • To appropriate parties to protect the health and safety of the student or other individuals in emergencies, with the understanding that only information essential to the emergency situation will be released, that information will be released only to a party who would be in a position to deal with the emergency, and that the student will be notified insofar as possible of the information released, the purpose for the release, and to whom the information was released.

No personal information on a student will be released without a statement from the College to the party receiving the information that no third party is to have access to such information without written consent of the student.

This policy is adopted pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (20 U.S.C. #8 1232 g), and is not intended to impose any restrictions or grant any rights not specifically required by this act.