Oct 17, 2024  
2024-2025 MCC Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 MCC Academic Catalog

Student Affairs and Activities

Purpose of Student Affairs

The purpose of MCC’s Division of Student Affairs is to encourage the growth and development of each student’s potential by providing educational programs which enhance his/her ability to learn, to become self-directed, to function more efficiently in society and to become a proficient decision-maker. Student Affairs, in collaboration with instruction, can assist students in achieving their educational objective. Student involvement in leadership roles in campus organizations and committees is designed to enhance personal leadership development and provide opportunities to participate in institutional decision-making.

Programs offered in Student Affairs include Academic Advisement, Testing, Student Success,Tutorial Services, Student Engagement, and Athletics. In addition, Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Housing, Orientation, Registrar, Recruitment, Campus Police, Fitness Center, Veteran Services, Emergency Management, Family and Parent and Student Support Services, and Accessibility and Support Services are also part of Student Affairs.

Academic Advising

Academic advisement plays an important role in the total educational program at MCC. The primary responsibility of an advisor is to guide students in making wise selections of course offerings with careful attention to institutional policies and degree requirements. In addition, effective advising will also assist students in identifying available internal and external resources that will have a positive impact on their MCC experience. Consideration of each student as a unique individual with unique needs is recognized as the foundation of MCC’s advising program. Advisors are assigned to all students based upon planned programs of study. However, students who are undecided, who are taking basic courses to enhance skills, or who are taking courses for personal enrichment or skill development are also assigned an advisor. Advisors are also available in Ivy-Scaggs Hall from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and in the Riley Health Building from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays, and from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in both locations on Fridays.

Students are welcome to see their advisor on a walk-in basis. It is recommended, however, during peak registration times (two weeks prior to fall and spring semesters) to make an appointment with an advisor so waiting will be kept to a minimum.

If a prospective student would like a campus tour or to learn more about MCC programs, admissions and recruiting staff members are available at 601-483-8241.


Information regarding referral for free mental health services for crisis situations (alcohol or drug abuse, family or leave, suicide, child or spouse abuse, etc.) may be obtained from MCC advisors, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, the Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs, or other MCC Student Affairs staff.

Veterans’ Affairs and Benefits

Meridian Community College welcomes military service men/women, Veterans, and their beneficiaries. The institution’s personnel designated to act as the School’s Certifying Official (SCO) assists veterans and their families in the college enrollment and educational assistance process. In accordance with Mississippi Senate Bill 2127 (amends state law § 37-103-25), nonresident students who are United States Veterans and/or their beneficiaries who are entitled to Veterans’ Educational Assistance under Title 38 of the United States Code are qualified as in-state residents for tuition purposes upon enrollment at MCC. To qualify as an in-state resident for tuition purposes, nonresident Veterans (whether or not entitled to Educational Assistance under Title 38 of the United States Code) must demonstrate release or discharge from active duty with no less than an Honorable discharge or a discharge under Honorable conditions. To qualify as an in-state resident for tuition purposes, nonresident beneficiaries must demonstrate a valid Transfer of Entitlement (TOE) for Veterans’ Educational Assistance under Title 38 of the United States Code.

Note: It is the policy of Meridian Community College that once residency for nonresident Veterans and their beneficiaries is established for in-state tuition purposes, the in-state tuition status is immediately effective and is retained for all current and future enrollments.

In order to initiate use of VA educational benefits under Title 38, all Veterans and their beneficiaries must meet general admissions requirements of the institution and must enroll in a program of study. All school policies and guidelines apply to students eligible for VA Education benefits. Having met general admissions requirements, students who wish to receive VA educational assistance under Title 38 should contact MCC’s SCO to determine what student information is required in order to receive VA entitlements. Visit Meridian Community College’s SCO office at 910 Hwy 19 N Meridian MS 39307 or refer all inquiries to veteransaffairs@meridiancc.edu. Students may obtain additional information regarding Veterans Education benefits at: www.gibill.va.gov.

Student Health Service

Although MCC does not employ full-time health personnel, first aid treatment is available from each residence hall supervisor, from Campus Police and at designated first aid stations in each building. Students should report sickness or injury of a more serious nature to Campus Police on the first floor of Ivy-Scaggs Hall or call 601.484.8620. The Campus Police Officer will call for emergency medical services and/or transportation to a local health care facility if necessary. In case of injury or illness, Campus Police will also notify a student’s family.

(Note: When assisting an injured or ill person on campus, faculty and staff should follow the Universal Precautions in Handling Body Fluids including the wearing of gloves and the disposing of supplies properly as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control.)

Students are encouraged to avail themselves of local health services whenever necessary. The Lauderdale County Health Department and doctors’ offices are located near the campus. Students will be responsible for any medical bills.

Campus Eaglenet

All MCC students have online access to view their grades and their financial aid status, in addition to any balances on accounts or holds on their records, through Campus Eaglenet, MCC’s local Internet portal. Each student also has an e-mail address.  Each student also has an e-mail address which can be used even after the student leaves MCC. (However, the Eaglenet and email accounts will be deactivated upon two years of inactivity.) After students have been officially admitted to MCC, they will receive a letter informing them of their Eaglenet user name and password. Eaglenet serves as the primary mode of communication between the institution and the student. Additionally, the use of Eaglenet encourages students to be proactive in their education and develops self-direction by allowing students to register for classes; changes classes; access the on-line library; and view transcripts and other vital information.


MCC offers open enrollment during the spring and summer for incoming freshmen. Orientation, an event hosted in April, June, July, and August immediately before the school year, serves to acquaint new students with the campus and to answer the questions and concerns of freshmen and their parents. Orientation participants meet faculty members, administrators, and other students. They also learn about opportunities available to them at MCC, including student activities.

Freshmen students are registered for Fall classes after they are admitted and meet with an advisor. Once they have been admitted, they are contacted with an opportunity to sign up for an Orientation event in April/June/ July/August. In addition to the Orientation event, new first-time full-time students are strongly encouraged to enroll in a 2 credit-hour orientation course, LLS 1312, which gives them a more in-depth introduction to campus life and services. This course is taught online and is available to all students, including distance education students.

Support Services

The Support Services Office strives to encourage independence, to assist students in realizing their academic potential and to facilitate the elimination of physical, programmatic, and attitudinal barriers. Support services at MCC provide members of Special Populations equal access to recruitment, enrollment and placement activities, the full range of educational programs available, as well as comprehensive career guidance and counseling services. No one shall be discriminated against on the basis of his/her status as a member of a special population. The Support Services Office can be of service to students only to the extent that their individual needs are made known. Students and prospective students are encouraged to make early contact with the Support Services Office.  

 A student is considered part of a “special population” if he/she is

  • economically disadvantaged.
  • educationally disadvantaged.
  • disabled.
  • a displaced homemaker.
  • a single parent.
  • preparing for non-traditional training and employment.

Students with disabilities must self-identify to receive accommodations and special services. Identification involves a student registering with the CTE Support Services Office and presenting appropriate documentation verifying the disability. Self-identification is voluntary. However, the CTE Support Services Office can be of service to students only to the extent that their individual needs are made known. Students and prospective students are encouraged to make an early contact with the CTE Support Services Office.

Services for single parents and displaced homemakers include counseling, guidance in achieving career goals, advocacy support, community referrals and networking with agencies. Support groups are available to help build self-confidence and to offer solutions for time and stress management. The CTE Support Services Offices are located in Todd Hall.

Interpreting Services for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing

MCC strives to provide interpreting services for students with the proper documentation. When an interpreter is available, interpreting services are provided for all academic courses. The College is responsible for the cost of the interpreter; however, the College will not pay for interpreting services for courses that the student has previously satisfactorily passed. Vocational Rehabilitation may reimburse the College for the cost of the interpreter if the student qualifies for services through that agency.

To request the services of an interpreter, the student should see the CTE Support Services Coordinator. The Support Services office is located in Reed Hall.


MCC has three residence halls and a 72-unit apartment complex.

Thornton Hall houses 44 male students, and Elliott Hall houses 96 male students. The College Crossing Apartments, also located on the MCC campus, houses 214 female students and has both one- and two-bedroom units. A residence hall director lives in each of the halls and in the apartment complex.

 If MCC Housing becomes full or requires a waiting list, priority will be given to full-time students. A required meal plan is included in the cost of housing.

Admission to MCC does not guarantee a student a room reservation on campus. Students wishing to live in college housing should contact the Director of Housing & Residence Life for complete details. The Director of Housing & Student Activities office is located in the Quave Student Life Center. Residence hall rules and regulations are published in the “Housing & Residence Life Handbook.” However, the policies stated in the MCC Catalog are the primary rules of the institution; the Housing & Student Activities Handbook is a supplement to the MCC Catalog.

Mail Service

Mail service is provided by the College in Ivy-Scaggs Hall. Students living in residence halls receive a mail drawer (included with housing) each semester. The address is as follows: Student’s Name, Drawer #__, Meridian Community College, 910 Highway 19 N, Meridian, MS 39307-5801. Those students living in College Crossing Apartments receive their mail at the apartment mailboxes.

Mail is not distributed on weekends and holidays.

Campus Solicitation Policy

The intent of the MCC solicitation policy is to ensure noninterference with the educational activities and business operations of the College.

Solicitation is prohibited whereas the following definition and policy applies to activities by any off-campus individual or group and applies to all MCC property, locations and events.

Solicitation is defined as “any active attempt to raise funds through direct sale of merchandise, services, or donations, with or without products or services rendered.” Also, any method of communication intended to induce support of a service, organization, business activity, issue, cause, etc., will be considered solicitation. This includes the distribution of literature, leaflets and/or materials, posters, handouts, etc.

Any individual who violates this policy may be subject to sanctions or penalties including, but not limited to, charges of trespassing.

Campus Life and Student Organizations

Meridian Community College provides a variety of campus organizations, special interest groups and social activities for students.

The Campus Life Program provides activities designed to complement and supplement classroom education by providing another kind of learning experience. Campus Life involves students in the College and the community, provides leadership-training opportunities and creates professional and personal growth opportunities through student organizations.

Association of Surgical Technologist Student Association (ASTSA) promotes knowledge about the field of surgical technology and provide opportunities to develop professionally.

Baptist Student Union (BSU) provides Christian fellowship and serves as a Christian witness to the campus and community.

Collegiate Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) strives to develop future leaders in the hospitality area by helping students grow and develop as professional managers. DECA is open to students enrolled in Business and Marketing Technology, Hotel/Restaurant Management Technology, and Culinary Arts Technology. Programs and activities are planned to focus on the hospitality/tourism industry.

Eagle Esports was organized to provide a fair and welcoming environment for all those interested in Esports and the competitions involved. Eagle Esports is open to all MCC students in good academic standing.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is open to all students and athletes to have a time of Christian fellowship and fun.

Health Information Technology Association (HITA) promotes the study of Health Information Management and to recognize Health Information Management as a profession in the community while instilling leadership qualities in the HIT student.

Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) serves the needs of the Health Education students. The group helps to promote and strengthen the HOE (Health Occupations Educators) -HOSA partnership.

Medical Assisting Technology Students (MATS) serves to instill knowledge in students in regard to the field of medical assisting and to promote leadership skills within the MAT student.

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL- BOT) is the post-secondary division that provides opportunities for students to develop business-related career competencies. It is an integral part of the instructional program and in addition promotes a sense of civic and personal responsibility.

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL-IST) is the post-secondary division of Future Business Leaders of America. PBL’s purpose is to encourage a positive working relationship between business and education through leadership development programs. Proven results of PBL membership are leadership, self-confidence, competitive abilities, fundraising experience, good citizenship and business proficiencies.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the national honor society for community and junior colleges. The organization promotes leadership, scholarship, service and fellowship. MCC is the Nu Upsilon Chapter. See chapter by-laws for specific membership requirements.

Physical Therapy Assistant Student Organization (PTASO) strives to educate the public about physical therapy, to provide a source of continuing education for PTA students, and to further develop each member’s leadership qualities and individual responsibility.

Skills USA Industrial Club of America (VICA) partners with both students/teachers and industry to ensure a skilled workforce. This state and national organization helps students prepare for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations. This organization was formerly known as VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America).

Student Association of Broadcasters (SAB) is open to Broadcasting students and provides a hands-on approach to learning broadcasting skills at MCC and in our community.

Student Association of Dental Hygiene Association (SADHA), affiliated with the American Dental Hygiene Association, promotes and sustains the practice of dental hygiene by increasing awareness of prevention of oral diseases in an effort to improve the public’s total health. The organization actively participates in off-campus presentations educating the public in preventive measures and stays abreast of current events in the dental hygiene profession to promote the highest standards in the field.

Student Association of Early Childhood Profession is an educational organization concerned about the care and education of young children. The organization helps each person grow as a professional worker with young children.

Student Government Association (SGA) was formed to deal effectively with student affairs, to develop good citizens through experience in government, to work with the administration in all matters affecting the welfare of students, and to direct student endeavors that may benefit the students. MCC SGA is open to all students who are enrolled in at least one credit hour at MCC.

Medical Lab Technicians Student Organization (MLTSO) promotes interest and knowledge about the Medical Lab Technology career while building leadership skills in the MLT student.

Organization of Student Nurses (OSN) is open to all students in the Associate Degree Nursing Program at MCC and serves to promote public understanding of the role of the Associate Degree Nurse along with aiding in the development of the whole person and their responsibility for the healthcare of people in all walks of life.

Student Association Radiologic Technology (Rad Tech) promotes interest and knowledge about the radiological field and gives the students opportunity to develop professionally.

Student Association of Respiratory Care (SARC) seeks to educate the public about respiratory therapy and to further the development of each member’s leadership qualities.

Student Practical Nursing Organization (PN) assists in the growth and development of the nursing profession, leadership and individual responsibility of the Practical Nursing student.

Special Interest Groups

A special interest group is an organization that is designed to support specific college functions and is financially supported through the MCC Budget. These groups often perform a specific service for the College and are not required to submit all paperwork and do not qualify for incentive funds or awards.

  • Chorus
  • Dimensions
  • The Ivy League Student Recruiters
  • The Phil Hardin Foundation Honors College

Student Leadership Training

MCC’s Student Leadership Effectiveness and Development (LEAD) Program provides leadership training for campus organizations. The LEAD Program is open to all students.

Training sessions are presented throughout the fall and spring semesters. Topics include goal setting, assertiveness training, parliamentary procedures, time management, motivation, listening skills, college study skills, job search skills, conflict management, stress management, relaxation and creative thinking.

LEAD participants are invited to attend student leadership sessions. Programs feature guest speakers on motivational topics and current issues, ranging from the power of positive thinking to minority leadership. Students meet MCC administrators, the Board of Trustees and other leaders in the community and state.

Quave Student Life Center

The Quave Student Life Center is located at the east end of the campus, adjacent to Ivy-Scaggs Hall and Damon Fitness Center. This is a popular location on campus where students gather in their free moments for socializing and relaxation. Here they may listen to music, watch television, play video games, participate in table tennis, pool, or foosball, play card games, and enjoy a large deck for studying, eating, and/or socializing.

Wilhelmine Tew Damon Fitness Center

The Wilhelmine Tew Damon Fitness Center, opened in January 1990, offers a variety of activities to students as well as to the community. Located near the MCC Baseball Complex, the Fitness Center has the following facilities available for student, faculty, staff, and community use:

  • Natatorium with a six lane 25-meter pool.
  • Weight room and fitness area featuring Inflight Fitness equipment, Vision Fitness exercise bicycles, Precor Treadmills, Precor elliptical trainers, Precor AMT, and free weights.
  • Dance studio with a cushioned floor.
  • Tennis courts, track, and sand volleyball court.

For course information, times, schedules, fees, and policies for use, contact the Damon Fitness Center at 601-484-8763.

Intercollegiate Athletics

MCC is proud of its varsity athletics program. Many of its athletic teams and individual athletes are nationally recognized. The College has teams in men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s tennis, men’s and women’s track and field, men’s and women’s cross country, baseball, softball, golf, men’s and women’s swimming, and men’s and women’s soccer. Attendance at home games is free for full-time students, faculty and staff with a valid MCC I.D.

Intramural Sports

MCC offers a limited intramural program. The program provides activities for participants at different skill levels. Not limited to team sports, the intramural program sponsors competition in basketball, flag football, bowling, and table games. The Campus Life Coordinator coordinates this program.


Each spring, MCC sponsors an Awards Night presentation to recognize and honor outstanding students from different career programs and subject areas for leadership, scholarship and academic performance. The B.G. Raden Awards recognize outstanding student organizations. The H.M. Ivy Outstanding Student Award recognizes outstanding sophomores.

Outstanding service to the college and the community by a faculty member is honored through the T.J. Harris Award. Two John A. Johnson Awards, which come with a $500 award, recognize outstanding staff members. Three $500 Clarence Roberts Outstanding Teacher Awards are also presented by the MCC Foundation.

At each graduation ceremony, a group of outstanding MCC graduates is recognized with “Circle of Excellence” awards sponsored by The MCC Foundation. During the spring graduation program, H.M. Ivy and Hardin Scholarships are announced to help top graduates with their junior and senior years of study.

Art awards and literary awards sponsored by the MCC Foundation are presented during the year and carry monetary prizes.

Full-time employees of the College are eligible for the “MCCer of the Month” recognition, which includes a $250 award from the MCC Foundation.

Library Services

The L. O. Todd Library is housed in the L. O. Todd-Billy C. Beal Student SuccessCenter. Library resources include both physical and online information materials that support the educational programs of the college, as well as recreational reading material of interest to students. Physical materials include books, periodicals, and a DVD collection. Online information resources provide 24/7 access to electronic databases, which provide full-text access to millions of articles, e-books, and streaming videos. These online resources can be accessed off-campus via the library’s web page.

The library provides study rooms equipped with whiteboards.

Traditional and e-learning research assistance is provided by service-oriented staff who work closely with students and instructors. The library staff is available to assist students and instructors with research, technical skills, and navigation of library resources. The library staff offers orientations, individual instruction, and classroom demonstrations. A librarian is always available to help during regular library hours of operation. Outside library hours, research assistance is available through the chat service as well as the information help request form.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center, located in the L.O. Todd/Billy C. Beal Student Success Center, provides one-on-one tutorial services primarily in English and math. Other subjects are available depending on the availability of tutors. These services are available to current MCC students. Students taking Intermediate English or Enhanced English Composition are required to spend an hour per week in The Writing Lab (located inside the Student Success Center). Students taking Enhanced Intermediate Algebra or Enhanced College Algebra are required to spend an hour per week in The Math Lab (located inside the Student Success Center). In addition, the Student Success Center offers up-to-date computers as well as high speed internet for students who use their own devices. The Student Success Center employs a highly qualified instructional staff as well as student tutors. Contact the Center at 601-484-8799 to schedule an appointment. 

Writing Lab

The Writing Lab, located within the Student Success Center inside the L.O. Todd/Billy C. Beal Student Success Center, offers free tutoring services to students currently enrolled at MCC who are taking English courses and/or any other courses that require papers. Computers are available for students to complete computerized tutorials as well as writing assignments. Students may visit or contact the Student Success Center for more information about the Writing Lab, including operating hours and contact information for the Lab Coordinator.

Math Lab

The Math Lab is located within the L.O. Todd/Billy C. Beal Student Success Center. The Math Lab is set up for students enrolled in Enhanced Intermediate Algebra and Enhanced College Algebraso that they may receive individualized help from math instructional staff and student assistants while spending required time in the lab each week in order to fulfill course credit requirements. The Math Lab is equipped with computers with Internet access and printing capability. There are also tables set up so that students may access Wi-Fi and work from personal devices.  The Math Lab is open during the fall and spring semesters. Hours may vary each semester, depending on the availability of instructional staff. Students will be given detailed information concerning the Math Lab on enrollment in a math course. For more information you may contact the Math Lab at (601) 481-1377.


Located within a Canvas course, BrainFuse is a free, online, live tutoring service that is available to all MCC students. This service offers tutoring in the subject areas of Math, Sciences, Writing and English, IT and Computer Science, Nursing and Allied Health, Foreign Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences, Accounting, Economics, and Business.


eLearning serves as the hub of distance education, digital teaching and innovative instructional technology. Established in 2011, the Center includes up-to-date computers in the main lab which serves as the central location at MCC for proctored examinations for distance education courses in addition to the administration of campus-based courses and Accuplacer examinations. In compliance with ADA regulations, the Center provides 10 individual testing rooms for students who meet specific criteria. In addition to overseeing testing appointments, the Center administers, trains and supports the College’s learning management system (LMS), Canvas by Instructure, which is utilized by online and campus-based courses. The Center also administers, trains, and supports the incorporation of eBooks, a campus wide initiative to introduce affordable electronic textbooks through the LMS in online and campus-based courses. Faculty and staff seeking to increase their technologic skills and usage can attend one of the many Professional Development sessions on current and emerging technologies hosted by eLearning staff. The Center is located on 14th street, adjacent to the Annex trailers and Soccer complex. For more information, please visit the eLearning website at www.meridiancc.edu/elearning or contact the Center by e-mail at elearning@meridiancc.edu or by phone at 601-484-8669.

Homer Castell Art Gallery

The Homer Casteel Art Gallery at Meridian Community is an extension of the MCC Art Department, serving the students and community by hosting six art exhibits per year. The Casteel Art Gallery is named in honor of long-time MCC art instructor, Homer Casteel, a prolific painter and sculptor who exhibited his work in the United States and Mexico. The Gallery is located in the Davidson Fine Arts Center (Ivy-Scaggs Hall) and is free and open to the public Monday - Thursday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. For more information, contact Terrell Nicholson-Taylor at 601.487.1392 or ttaylor@meridiancc.edu.