Feb 11, 2025  
2024-2025 MCC Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 MCC Academic Catalog

Financial Information

Tuition at MCC is determined by a student’s residential and academic status (full-time or part-time). One-half of all tuition and fees are due and payable at the Business Office in Hardin Hall before a student attends the first class of the semester for fall and spring semesters. The balance must be paid by Friday of the eighth week of school. For summer semesters, all tuition and fees are due and payable at the Business Office before classes begin. Room and board charges must be paid prior to moving into housing for all semesters. See the section entitled “Deferments” for information concerning Financial Aid deferment. It is the student’s responsibility to pay tuition and fees on time. The tuition and fees listed in this catalog are subject to change; please visit www.meridiancc.edu for the most current fee schedule.

Tuition for Mississippi Residents
  Full-time (15 semester hours or more) $1879 per semester
  Part-time (less than 15 semester hours) $199 per credit hour
Tuition for Out-of-State Residents
  Full-time (15 semester hours or more) $3079 per semester
  Part-time (less than 15 semester hours) $289 per credit hour
Tuition for International Students
  Full-time (15 semester hours or more) $2859 per semester
  Part-time (less than 15 semester hours) $273 per credit hour
Registration Fees
  Full-time students (15 semester hours or more) $25 per term
  Part-time students (less than 15 semester hours) $15 per term
  Technology Fee $9 per credit hour per semester
  Safety and Security $12 per semester
  Online Course $20 per course per semester
  Capital Improvement Fee $5 per credit hour per semester
  Health Services Fee $20 per semester

(Note: Career and Technical Education program fees may be reassigned to new course numbers as curriculum changes occur within these programs.)

Course Fees

Some courses may incur fees associated with the course or program. Please refer to the Course Fee Schedule published at the Meridian Community College website, www.meridiancc.edu, or contact the business office at (601) 483-8241 for a complete list of course fees.

Room & Board Charges

Room and Board - Per Semester Cost Shared Private
  Application Fee $150 $150
Elliott Hall (includes 7-day, 19 meal plan and use of laundry) $2550 $3650
Thornton Hall (includes 7-day, 19 meal plan and use of laundry) $2550 $3650
College Crossing Apartment, dorm-style (includes 7-day, 19 meal plan and use of laundry) $2700 $3950

(Note: Room and Board fees are subject to change due to changes in cafeteria charges.)

Summer Room & Board Charges:

Summer housing fees must be paid in advance. Summer term room and board fees are non-refundable. If the cafeteria is available, a debit plan of $175 is required for each 5-week term. All meals are approximately $7 with tax. Therefore, this will provide the student with 25 meals during the 5-week period. The summer housing rates are non-refundable and are as follows:

    Double Occupancy Private Room
College Crossing Apartments:
  5-week term $500 $1000
  10-week term $1000 $2000

In addition, a fee of $175 for the debit plan will be assessed, if the cafeteria is open for each 5-week term.

(Note: Room and Board fees are subject to change due to changes in cafeteria charges.)

Monthly Apartment Leases

  Application Fee  $200                                                                                                                                          
  One-Bedroom, 9-month lease per month                       $800
  One-Bedroom, 12-month lease per month $750
  Two-Bedroom, 9-month lease per month $950
  Two-Bedroom, 12-month lease per month                                                                                                                                         $850


Non-Credit Classes

Fees for non-credit classes are established at the time of registration and are based on the cost of the course.



Tuition/Fee Refund Policy - Prior to the first class day, a 100% refund will be given.

Class length
  4 weeks or less - no refund
  5 to 10 weeks - 100% refund during the 1st week
    50% refund during the 2nd week
  11 to 17 weeks - 100% refund during the 1st week
    75% refund during the 2nd week
    50% refund during the 3rd week

It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from any and all courses. Refunds of fees are computed according to the instructor’s recorded last date of class attendance. Attendance in an online course is measured by active participation in the course (i.e., submission of weekly assignments). Any claims disputing actual class attendance and requests for exceptions because of extenuating circumstances must be submitted in writing to Business Office within 90 days after the end of the semester of withdrawal. Any exception to this policy must be approved by an administrative committee. The College will not refund fees originally paid by check until the check has successfully cleared the student’s bank.

Students receiving any type of financial aid, including grants, loans, scholarships or veterans’ benefits, must consult with a Financial Aid Office staff member before dropping any course.

Withdrawal/Refund Policy for Students Who Are Called to Active Duty

Any student who has enrolled at Meridian Community College who is a member of the Mississippi National Guard, or one or more units of the Mississippi State Guard, or who is a member of any of the reserve components of the armed forces of the United States, or who has been drafted into any component of the armed forces of the United States, or is an immediate family member or legal dependent of any such service member, may be allowed to withdraw as a student of the Institution, with a full refund of tuition, out-of-state fees (if applicable), student fees and any special fees, with room and board fees prorated with the approval of the President.

Any student who withdraws from Meridian Community College under this policy will not receive any grades. The student record will show evidence of the withdrawal with documentation on file.

Any student called to active duty, or the dependent of a service member who is called to active duty, who has completed at least ¾ of the semester and is in “good standing” with the College, and who needs to take only the final examination to complete the semester, has the option to leave the College pursuant to this policy, without his/her class standing affected, and without refund of any of the above fees or tuition. However, within ninety (90) days after release from active duty, the student may make arrangements to take the final examination. The score of the final exam plus the unfinished semester’s work will constitute the student’s final grade.

Alternatively, any student called to active duty, or the dependent of a service member who is called to active duty, who has completed at least ¾ of the semester and is in “good standing” with the Institution, has the option to leave the College pursuant to this policy, without his/her class standing affected, and without refund of any of the above fees or tuition and shall have the option of receiving full credit for each enrolled course of study with the grade earned at the date he/she was called into active duty.

Fall and Spring Room and Board

During the first four weeks of the semester, refunds for room and board will be calculated on a weekly pro-rated basis. After the first four weeks of the semester, the remaining cost is considered incurred and no refund is issued. Refunds for the meal plan will be pro-rated on a weekly basis.

In the case of a natural disaster, exceptions may be made to the above policy. Students should make this type of request in writing to the Dean of Students Office. They will be notified of any refund that is granted.

Summer Room and Board

Summer housing fees must be paid in advance. Summer term room and board fees are non-refundable.

Housing Application Fee

All resident students are required to pay a housing application fee of $150.00. The housing application fee is non-refundable and must be paid to finalize the housing application. If damages occur, the resident will be charged for repairs, missing items, etc.


A student may defer payment of fees in fall or spring semester only on the following deferment schedule:


  • Students must pay one-half of all charges prior to classes starting. The balance must be paid by Friday of the eighth week of school.
  • Students may defer all of their tuition. If they have applied for financial aid, the Financial Aid Office has determined that they are eligible for financial aid and will qualify for enough financial aid to cover their current charges.
  • Students can also enroll in a payment plan through the MCC Payment Center that will allow students to pay their charges over monthly installments during the semester. 
  • If a student fails to pay, he/she may be removed from classes and be required to re-register.

Residence Hall and Meals:

  • Students must pay the full amount of the cost of room and board prior to moving into housing. If they fail to pay by the deadline, they will not be allowed to move into the residence hall.
  • Students may defer their room and board. If they have applied for financial aid, the Financial Aid Office has determined that they are eligible for financial aid and will qualify for more aid than the amount of their charges for room and board and half of their tuition and fees.
  • Students can also enroll in a payment plan through the MCC Payment Center that will allow students to pay their charges over monthly installments during the semester. 

Paying for Classes

Students can pay their tuition in the Business Office in Hardin Hall or online through the MCC Payment Center in Eaglenet. Payments by check, cash, credit card, or money orders are accepted. Even though an advisor has met with a student and provided a copy of his/her schedule, classes are not reserved until the student has registered in the computer and paid his/her tuition. The deadline for paying tuition is printed on the student’s schedule.

Students who are using financial aid or scholarships to assist in paying for classes must go to the Financial Aid Office in Ivy-Scaggs Hall to make sure that the aid for which they qualify is credited to their account in the Business Office.

Purchasing Books

Textbooks and supplies for MCC courses may be purchased at the MCC Bookstore located in Ivy-Scaggs Hall. Bookstore hours are 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. on Friday. During the first week of classes, the Bookstore has extended hours to accommodate evening students. Students receiving financial aid (Pell Grants, scholarships, etc.) should direct financial aid questions to the Financial Aid Office. Financial aid will become active in the Bookstore approximately three days before classes begin in the fall and spring terms. Dates for late start, short terms and summer terms will be posted. Students will need to present their Student I.D. and a copy of their schedule to use their financial aid and to receive textbooks in the Bookstore.

The Bookstore also carries a variety of sportswear, supplies, snacks, specialty gifts, balloons and novelty items.

Unpaid Balances from Previous Semesters

Any outstanding and past due amounts owed to the College must be paid in full before a student may register for additional courses. All payments received on student accounts will be applied in the same order in which the charges were incurred. A student who has a hold on his/her record because of any overdue account may not receive a transcript or a diploma, or view mid-term grades on Eaglenet until the account is cleared.

The administrative authorities of the College will withhold transcripts and diplomas, degree certification, letters of “good standing,” and other certification of enrollment and deny readmission of any student who incurs an overdue financial obligation to the College.

The student’s records may be cleared and a diploma or transcript released when the debt is paid in full. The respective College department or agency will notify the College Registrar when the debt has been paid. MCC reserves the right when payment is made by check for releases not to be made until 10 business days after check has been deposited.

Applying for Financial Aid

To be considered for any type of financial aid, students must submit an admissions application and transcripts from all colleges previously attended to the Office of Admissions.

To be considered for any type of scholarship, students must submit a scholarship application to the Scholarship Coordinator. Scholarships have various deadlines. Please see the Financial Aid Office for specific scholarship deadlines.

Students must submit the following to the Financial Aid Office to be considered for grants, loans, or the work-study program:

  • An Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR), and
  • All supporting documentation, such as tax transcripts.

An Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR), may be obtained by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. This form is available online at studentaid.gov. In order to be considered for a work study position, students must submit a Federal Work Study application to the Financial Aid Office. To apply for a student loan, students must request a student loan packet from the Financial Aid Office.

Students should access Eaglenet to view any outstanding documents needed to complete the student’s financial aid file.

Priority Deadlines

In order to qualify for some scholarships, students must submit applications to the Financial Aid Office and the Office of Admissions by May 1 for the fall semester and December 1 for the spring semester. After these dates, eligibility may be limited to federal grants and loans.

Note: “Non-degree” students are not eligible for financial aid.

Academic Year

For purposes of awarding Federal Pell Grant and Federal Direct Loans, MCC defines the academic year as 34 weeks of instructional time and 28 semester credit hours of earned coursework. Federal Direct Loan progression limits are based on the student’s progression within the student’s program of study. Students should contact the MCC Loan/Data Processor with questions regarding their current program progression and loan limit eligibility.

Award Notification

Once all of the required information is submitted to the Financial Aid Office and grant eligibility is determined, a student will receive an award notification in an e-mail to the student’s Eaglenet e-mail account. The student should notify the Financial Aid Office in writing if he/she wishes to decline any or all of their financial aid awards. This may be done through e-mail or in person. E-mails are sent to notify students of any changes to their financial aid account. The FSEOG funds are limited and will be awarded to students based on the availability of funds, after the deadline dates. In August, supervisors of the Federal Work-Study Program notify students of interview opportunities.

Student loan notification is made to the student/parent after eligibility is determined via Eaglenet. Recipients of scholarship awards are notified by e-mail as selections are made.

Students should access Eaglenet to view the types and amounts of aid they have been awarded.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Recipients of Title IV Federal Financial Aid*

In order to remain eligible to receive Title IV financial assistance at Meridian Community College, students must progress satisfactorily towards completion of an academic or vocational-technical program.

Title IV Federal Financial Aid consists of the following:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal College Work Study (FWS)
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Federal Direct Stafford Loan Program (FDSL)
  • Federal Direct Parent Loan Program (PLUS)

In order to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, all students attempting one credit hour or more must have a semester GPA of a 2.00. In addition to the 2.0 GPA each semester, each student must complete 67% of all coursework attempted at MCC and applicable transfer work and maintain a certain cumulative GPA based on the cumulative hours attempted. An example of this pace is provided below.

Sem. Hrs.
Must have Earned this Many credits:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
With at least this Cumulative Grade Point Average:   1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.75


Cumulative Semester Hours Attempted (including Ws) 1-18 19-40 41 - 96
Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average 1.50 1.75 2.00

Financial aid standing is computed at the end of the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students are notified in writing by the Financial Aid Office at the end of each semester if they are placed on warning or suspension or become ineligible due to attempted hours. The Financial Aid Office will update their financial aid standing in BANNER and adjust financial aid accordingly. Students should note this standing is separate from the academic standing.

Students may access Eaglenet to view their current financial aid standing.

The following defines financial aid standings and other criteria for financial aid:

Financial Aid Warning: A student who fails to meet the minimum standards for satisfactory progress will be placed on warning for the following semester. During the warning semester, the student will continue to be eligible to receive Title IV aid.

Financial Aid Suspension: After a semester of warning, a student who does meet the minimum standards will be placed on financial aid suspension. A student will not be eligible for Title IV financial aid until minimum standards are met.

Maximum Time: A student will not be eligible for any federal financial aid at MCC after attempting 93 semester hours (this includes accepted transfer hours) regardless of grade point average, cumulative hours earned, or change of program. Hours attempted for which the student did not receive financial aid will be included for purposes of meeting satisfactory academic progress requirements.

Withdrawals: All withdrawals (“W”) will be counted as hours attempted and will be considered when evaluating satisfactory academic progress for financial aid. Withdrawals will not be included in the calculation of the grade point average.

Incomplete Grades: Incomplete (“I”) grades must be removed by the end of the 9th week of the succeeding semester or the “I” becomes an “F.” The grade of “I” is not included when computing semester and cumulative grade point averages. Therefore, the grade earned by 9th week of the succeeding semester would be used in computing satisfactory progress for the end of that semester.

Repeated Courses: Repeated courses are not counted in the determination of the number of semester hours attempted and do not affect overall grade point average. Students cannot receive financial aid for more than one repetition of a previously passed course. Students cannot receive financial aid for any repetition of a previously passed course due to the student failing other coursework. (Ex. Student fails Nursing I and has to repeat the entire semester. Financial aid will cover the failed class but not the other classes, such as Seminar.)

Transfer Courses: Transfer students will enter MCC with the same status as a new student who has never attended college. The transfer courses which are applicable toward the student’s degree at MCC will be included in the cumulative grade point average and will not affect the student’s financial aid standing until the end of the semester in which the student transferred.

Remedial and Non-credit Courses: Remedial courses will be treated in the same manner as other college courses attempted. Non-credit courses will not be counted in hours attempted or used in computing grade point average; therefore, a student will not receive financial aid for non-credit courses.

Audit Courses: A student is not eligible for financial aid for audit courses. Audit courses are not counted as hours attempted and are not used in computing grade point average.

Reinstatement of Eligibility: A student on financial aid suspension may attend Meridian Community College at his/her own expense unless also on academic suspension. The student must attain a 2.00 for the semester and attain the minimum cumulative grade point average indicated by the satisfactory academic progress policy for federal financial aid recipients in order to be reinstated.

Appeal Process: A student who has at least a 1.50 cumulative grade point average may appeal the suspension of financial aid. A completed appeal form must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office. The form may be obtained in the Financial Aid Office or printed from the MCC Web page. The appeal will be reviewed and determined whether the suspension is justified. Only exceptional circumstances or an improved academic record will be considered. The student will be notified in writing through their Eaglenet e-mail account of the decision made within 20 business days. Students whose appeals are approved will be placed on financial aid probation and may be given an academic plan which they must follow. This plan will assure that they will be able to complete their degree within the timeframe to meet SAP. These students may only apply for a student loan after mid-term. At this time, a student must provide a copy of his/her mid-term grades to the student loan assistant for review. If the student has a “C” average at mid-term, he/she will be allowed to apply for a student loan after attending in person entrance counseling and submitting a completed loan packet to the loan assistant. This does not replace the steps that have to be completed online for a student loan.

Note: Financial aid suspension does not prevent students from attending MCC if they are not on academic suspension.

Student Consumer Information

In compliance with Section 493A of the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended, certain consumer information will be made available to any student or prospective student at Meridian Community College. This information will include a description of all financial aid programs, application procedures, eligibility requirements, criteria for recipient selection, a statement of the rights and responsibilities of students, means of payments, and any other financial aid information. Information will also be made available concerning cost of attendance, academic programs, refund policy, student retention, the number and percentage of students completing programs if available, assistance for the disabled, and other general information pertaining to MCC. The financial aid office will provide this information to students requesting it or help students obtain the information.

Refund Policy for Recipients of Title IV Federal Financial Aid Who Completely Withdraw from Meridian Community College

Recipients of Federal Title IV Financial Aid who completely withdraw from classes are required to have their award recalculated. Federal Title IV Financial Aid includes Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Direct Stafford Student Loans.

The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 define “withdrawal” as failure to complete the period of attendance on which federal aid eligibility was based. Therefore, this policy affects not only those individuals who complete the formal withdrawal notification process, but also those students who simply stop attending classes. In either case, when a recipient of Title IV funds ceases attendance during a term, MCC must calculate how much federal aid was earned and how much was unearned. The amount of aid a student has earned for the term is based on the length of time the student remains enrolled for that term. The unearned amount must be returned to the Title IV programs.

MCC will begin by determining the percentage of the term completed. This percentage is determined by dividing the number of calendar days completed as of the date of withdrawal by the total number of calendar days in the term.

  • If the student withdraws on or before 60 percent of the term has elapsed, the percentage of federal aid earned is equal to the percentage of the term completed.
  • If the student withdraws after 60 percent of the term has elapsed, the percentage of federal aid earned is equal to 100 percent.

The amount of federal aid earned is equal to the percentage of funds earned multiplied by the total amount of funds that was disbursed (or could have been disbursed) as of the day the student withdrew.

Repayment of the Unearned Amount

MCC will return the lesser of

  • Total amount of unearned aid or
  • Institutional charges multiplied by unearned percent.

The student will return

  • The amount of unearned federal aid after MCC has returned its share.

Unearned funds are first applied (paid back) to any Title IV loans borrowed during the term. Unearned funds are required to be returned to Title IV loans in the following order:

  • Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
  • Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan
  • Federal PLUS Loan

When the school must return loan funds to the lender on the student’s behalf (or parent’s in the case of a PLUS loan), the student’s account will be charged for this amount. When the federal calculation determines, instead, that it is the student’s (or parent’s) responsibility to return funds directly to the lender, the unearned funds are repaid in accordance with the terms of the loan.

If unearned funds remain after all loans have been repaid, the remaining unearned funds must be credited to the Title IV programs in the following order:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal SEOG

When MCC must return grant funds on the student’s behalf, the student’s account will be charged for this amount. When the responsibility for repaying funds to the Title IV grant programs falls to the student, the student is required to return only 50 percent of the grant overpayment as calculated using the federal formula. Grant overpayments may be collected according to arrangements satisfactory to the school, or by overpayment collection procedures prescribed by the Department of Education.

Federal Pell Grant Program

The Federal Pell Grant Program provides grants to undergraduate students who have financial need and meet the other general eligibility requirements for student financial assistance. Credit balances are paid at the end of the first nine weeks each semester (fall, spring).  For details about summer Pell Grants, contact the Financial Aid Office.

Applying for a Pell Grant

To apply for a Pell Grant, the student should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on the internet at studentaid.gov. The paper forms are only available from the Department of Education or by printing a form that is available online. Students may obtain up to 3 paper copies by calling 1-800-433-3243. Financial aid personnel will gladly help with any questions about completing the application. The student should list all schools that he/she wants to receive the information.

Within two weeks after completing the FAFSA online, or four weeks if completed by paper, the school will receive the results electronically, and the student will receive a Student Aid Report Information Acknowledgment (SAR). If the student did not list MCC on the original application, the student should add MCC’s school code online to his/her FAFSA as soon as possible.

If a student qualifies to receive a Pell Grant and has submitted all necessary documentation, an account is established so that he/she may charge tuition and fees in the Business Office.

The student’s financial aid will become active in the Bookstore approximately three days prior to his/her class start date. Students receiving financial aid should direct questions or problems to the Financial Aid Office. They will need your student ID and a copy of their class schedule to use their financial aid and to purchase textbooks in the Bookstore.

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

The FSEOG is a “need based” grant awarded to undergraduate students. Priority is given to students who receive Federal Pell Grants. These awards are made on the availability of funds and are up to $600 per semester.

Lifetime Pell Eligibility Used (LPEU)

The amount of Federal Pell Grant funds a student may receive over his/her lifetime is limited by a federal law to be the equivalent of six years of Pell Grant funding. Since the maximum amount of Pell Grant funding a student can receive each year is equal to 100%, the six-year equivalent is 600%. This cannot be appealed.

Unusual Enrollment History

Unusual Enrollment History (UEH) indicates whether the student has an unusual enrollment history with regard to the receipt of Federal Pell Grant (Pell Grant) funds and is intended to address possible fraud and abuse in the Title IV student aid programs. The specific enrollment pattern that warrants concern is one where the student attends an institution long enough to receive Title IV credit balance funds, leaves without completing the enrollment period, enrolls at another institution, and repeats the pattern of remaining just long enough to collect another Title IV credit balance without having earned any academic credit.

All students who receive an UEH Flag will be reviewed by the school. The school will then determine if the student is eligible for continued eligibility of financial aid or will be denied financial aid.

Approval of Continued Eligibility

If the institution approves the student’s continued eligibility, the Financial Aid Administrator may choose to require the student to establish an academic plan, similar to the type of plan used to resolve satisfactory academic progress (SAP) appeals. The Financial Aid Administrator may also wish to counsel the student about the Pell Grant duration of eligibility provisions and the impact of the student’s attendance pattern on future Pell Grant eligibility.

Denial of Continued Eligibility

If a student did not earn academic credit at one or more of the relevant institutions and does not provide, to the Financial Aid Administrator’s satisfaction, an acceptable explanation and documentation for each of those failures, the institution must deny the student any additional Title IV program assistance. All decisions are final.

Regaining Aid Eligibility

Students who have lost eligibility of financial aid due to UEH may subsequently regain eligibility if they otherwise meet all other standards of MCC’s SAP policy. Students may be given an academic plan, which they will need to follow in order to regain eligibility. If a student does regain eligibility, this would become effective the semester after the period of ineligibility. It would not be retroactive.

Appeal Process

Students who are denied eligibility for financial aid due to unusual school history should see a Financial Aid Officer to discuss your options.

Mississippi Student Financial Aid Programs

The Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid (MOSFA) provides aid to Mississippi students in the form of scholarships, grants, and loans. To apply for any State aid or to obtain a listing of all programs available, log on to https://www.msfinancialaid.org/ or contact the MOSFA at 1-800-327-2980.

Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG)

MTAG is a grant supported by the state of Mississippi to help students with the costs of going to school. Any student who is a Mississippi resident is eligible to apply for this grant. All students who apply must be able to prove that they have been a MS resident for the past year. Any student applying for and receiving MTAG must meet the standard requirements established by the Mississippi Post-Secondary Education Financial Assistance Board (Board) and the financial aid office at Meridian Community College. This grant is subject to proration based on funding availability.

Eligibility Requirements

For high school seniors and students with less than 12 college credit hours:

  • 15 or higher on the ACT
  • 2.5 or higher GPA
  • Enrolled in 15 or more credit hours
  • Not receiving the maximum Federal Pell Grant award

For college students with 12 or more credit hours:

  • 2.5 or higher GPA on all college work attempted
  • Enrolled in 15 or more credit hours
  • Not receiving the maximum Federal Pell Grant award
  • Not in default on a federal student loan or owe a refund on any federal or state funds

Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant (MESG)

MESG is a grant supported by the state of Mississippi to help students with the costs of going to school. This grant is for students with exceptional ACT scores and high school GPA. Any student applying for and receiving MTAG/MESG must meet the requirements established by the Mississippi Post-Secondary Education Financial Assistance Board (Board) and the Financial Aid Office at Meridian Community College. This grant will pay the cost of full tuition and fees (up to $2,500/year) for students who qualify. Students who receive this grant must be able to prove they have been MS residents for the past year.

Eligibility Requirements

  • 29 or higher on the ACT
  • 3.5or higher GPA
  • First-time freshman out of high school
  • Enrolled in 15 or more credit hours

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Funds (WIOA)

Financial Assistance is available for dislocated workers through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act of 2014. A dislocated worker is defined in three ways:

  • A person who has been laid-off from his/her job for no fault of his/her own, usually through downsizing or plant closure;
  • A person who is a displaced homemaker;
  • A person who was financially supported by a dislocated worker.

Some funding is also available for adult students who do not meet the definition of a dislocated worker. To be considered for WIOA funds, a student must be admitted to an approved program, must have applied for a Pell Grant, and must have registered with the Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES). Eligibility is determined through the local WIN Center. For more information, see the MDES website at mdes.ms.gov, or contact Shannon Coleman at 601.553.9531.

William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program

The College participates in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program. This program offers three types of student loans:

  • Subsidized Loan
  • Unsubsidized Loan
  • PLUS (parent) Loan

To be eligible for a Direct Loan, the student must

  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA),
  • Enroll in at least six (6) semester credit hours (half-time) at MCC,
  • Meet requirements of MCC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAPP)*, and
  • Have a need as determined by the FAFSA and the Cost of Attendance minus other aid.

Other criteria may also apply.

*Students who do not meet MCC’s SAP Policy or who are in need of additional financial assistance may contact the Loan/Data Processor.

Subsidized Federal Loan Summary

Students must have unmet need, as determined by the FAFSA to qualify for a Subsidized Student Loan. The federal government will pay the interest owed on a subsidized loan while the student is enrolled in at least six credit hours and making satisfactory academic progress as determined by the school.

Unsubsidized Federal Loan Summary

Before MCC can certify an Unsubsidized Loan, eligibility for a Subsidized Loan will be determined. The Unsubsidized Loan is not a need-based loan. The borrower is responsible for paying the interest that accrues on this loan from the date of disbursement as well as through the life of the loan.

Federal PLUS Loan Program

This is also a loan authorized by the federal government for parent borrowers to help pay for a dependent student’s education beyond high school. The government does not pay the interest on this loan.

Applying for a William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan

Once a student’s eligibility criteria have been met, the student must call or come by MCC’s Financial Aid Office and request a Student Loan Application packet. The packet outlines in detail the steps for a student to complete in order to apply for the loan. When the steps are completed and the information returned to MCC, the loan will be processed and awarded to the student, if eligible. The student will receive an e-mail notifying him/her of a change to his/her account once the loan is processed. If the student does not receive an e-mail, the student should check MCC’s Eaglenet for award information or documents requested. Once a student’s loan has been processed, the amount will not be increased except in extenuating circumstances. Detailed documentation as to why the loan needs to be increased must be presented to the Loan/Data Processor. Once the information is reviewed, the student will receive the approval or denial of the increase in writing via e-mail.

Disbursement of Loan Money

Student loan funds will disburse to MCC in two separate and equal disbursements within the loan period. All charges owed to MCC will be taken out of the student’s loan disbursement, so the student may not receive a refund from the disbursement. Student loan refunds will not be available to any student until at least eight (8) weeks after the first day of the semester. Students will receive an e-mail notification via their Eaglenet e-mail with information regarding refund check availability. If, when the student loan funds are disbursed or the student comes to pick up his/her loan refund check, the student is not attending at least six (6) credit hours, the loan funds will be returned to the Department of Education.

Loan Repayment

Repayment of the loan begins six (6) months after the student ceases to be enrolled at least half-time.

Federal Work-Study Program

The Federal Work-Study Program provides on- and off-campus employment opportunities for eligible students.

To be considered for a Federal Work-Study job, the student must have applied for a Pell Grant, submitted a College Work-Study Job Application and have unmet financial need as determined by the Federal Needs Analysis Methodology. A background check will be performed on each student placed in a work-study job that requires them to work with minors. The student must be cleared before they are allowed to work with any minors.

The number of hours a student may work during the academic year is determined by the job to which he/she is assigned. Most jobs on campus average between 32 and 40 hours per month. All students are paid the federal minimum wage per hour and are paid on a monthly basis. Students are employed to work in the library, in residence halls, in the Production Center, in the Admissions Office, as assistants to instructors, and in other positions.


Many students receive scholarships at MCC totaling almost $500,000 each year which are provided through several sources. See the following section for detailed information about MCC scholarships. Applications for first-time freshman scholarships should be filed at the same time admission applications are filed. The priority deadline for first-time freshmen is April 1. Sophomore students and transfer students may begin applying for scholarships after February 1. To receive priority consideration for scholarships, applications should reach the Scholarship Coordinator’s Office by May 1. Other applications are considered individually if funds are available. Only the highest composite ACT score will be taken into account when awarding scholarships. ACT superscores are not considered when determining scholarship eligibility. 

Scholarship Classifications

MCC Foundation Tuition Guarantee Program The MCC Foundation underwrites the cost of tuition for four semesters of study at MCC for any graduate of a Meridian or Lauderdale County High School or any home school graduate who resides in Lauderdale County. By enrolling in the fall following their spring graduation, students retain the Tuition Guarantee for four consecutive semesters provided they earn a 2.00 GPA and maintain at least 15 credit hours each semester. Students must apply for Federal and State Financial Aid. Other requirements may change yearly. These funds are coordinated with other aid programs.
President’s Scholarship This scholarship is for Mississippi residents outside of Lauderdale County. Students must enroll in a minimum of 15 credit hours at MCC the fall semester following their high school graduation. Students must have earned at least a 25 on the ACT. Students will be awarded a full-tuition scholarship for four semesters that they attend MCC. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA and remain enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours for each semester. Priority deadline is June 1st.
President Plus This scholarship is for books/educational needs. First-time freshmen who are Mississippi residents outside of Lauderdale County are eligible if they meet all MCC admissions requirements and score 25 or above on the ACT. Students must enroll in a minimum of 15 credit hours and maintain a 2.5 GPA to receive the scholarship for four consecutive semesters. Applicants should apply for this scholarship as soon as they receive their ACT score since awards are made on a first-come basis. No award will be made after the first day of class.
Dean’s Scholarship This scholarship is for Mississippi residents outside of Lauderdale County. Students must enroll in a minimum of 15 credit hours at MCC the fall semester following their high school graduation. Students must have earned at least a 20 on the ACT. Students will be awarded a half-tuition scholarship for four semesters that they attend MCC. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and remain enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours for each semester. Priority deadline is June 1st.
MCC Foundation Scholarships Awards vary. Award is based on academic excellence, program of study, extracurricular activities, financial need, and desire to achieve. Students must normally remain enrolled in 15 or more semester credit hours, but some of these scholarships are designated for part-time students. These scholarships are made possible through the generosity of contributors to The Meridian Community College Foundation. Information about MCC Foundation Scholarships is located on the MCC website at the following web address: www.meridiancc.edu/become_an_eagle/financial_aid/scholarships.html
Eagle Scholarship This scholarship is for Mississippi residents outside of Lauderdale County. Students must enroll in 15 credit hours the fall semester following high school graduation and remain enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours. Students must have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. The award is for $150/semester for 4 semesters and is stackable. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA each semester.
MCC Achievement Scholarship Awards vary. Awards are based on academic excellence, program of study, extracurricular activities, financial need, and the desire to achieve. Recipients should be full-time students and must maintain a 2.0 grade point average each semester. Students must reapply each year for the MCC Achievement Scholarship.
Rising Eagle Scholarship This scholarship is for the top GED graduate (highest composite GED test score earned) from each graduating class. Students must be a Mississippi resident and must enroll in 15 credit hours for the fall or spring semester immediately following their GED graduation and remain enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours. This award is for half-tuition for 4 semesters. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA each semester and is stackable. The scholarship cannot be regained if lost.
Fine Arts Scholarship Awards vary. Faculty may recognize students with talent in music, drama, or art by awarding scholarships based on auditions or portfolios. Recipients must enroll in and maintain at 15 or more credit hours.
Athletic Scholarship Awards vary. Recipients must meet eligibility rules of MCC. Selections are made by the coaching staff based on scouting observations and/or tryouts. Recipients must enroll in and maintain 15 or more credit hours.
Valedictorian Full tuition scholarship (out-of-district); $600/semester (in-district). First-time freshmen who are residents of Mississippi are eligible if they meet all MCC admissions requirements and served as valedictorian of their graduating class. Students must remain enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours and maintain a 2.5 GPA to receive the scholarship for four consecutive semesters.
Salutatorian One-half tuition scholarship (out-of-district); $300/semester (in-district). First-time freshmen who are residents of Mississippi are eligible if they meet all MCC admissions requirements and served as salutatorian of their graduating class. Students must remain enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours and maintain a 2.5 GPA to receive the scholarship for four consecutive semesters.
Star Student Scholarship This scholarship is for the STAR student from a high school in Mississippi. Students must enroll the fall semester following high school graduation and maintain at least 15 credit hours each semester. Students must have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. The award is for $300/semester for 4 semesters and is stackable. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA each semester. The scholarship cannot be regained if lost. (Star students are determined by each high school as part of the Mississippi Economic Council’s recognition program.)
Eagle Scout/Girl Scout One-half tuition scholarship. First-time freshmen who are residents of Mississippi are eligible if they meet all MCC admissions requirements and provide documentation verifying their Eagle Scout/Gold Award. Lauderdale County graduates will receive this money in addition to their Tuition Guarantee funds. Students must remain enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours and maintain a 2.0 GPA to receive the scholarship for four consecutive semesters. Award will be made after the first day of class.
Leadership Scholarship Leadership in high school ($200/semester); MS resident: 2.0 GPA and enroll in a minimum of 15 credit hours.
Non-traditional Scholarships Student must be a Mississippi resident and 23 years of age or older. If student has prior course history, he/she must have a least a 2.0 MCC GPA. Student must enroll in a minimum of 15 credit hours and maintain 15 credit hours each semester and must not have attended MCC within the past academic year. Student must apply for federal and state financial aid. This award is for up to the cost of full-tuition for one year and will be coordinated with all other financial aid. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA each semester. All awards are based on availability of funds and are made on a first come, first served basis.
Part-time Scholarship Student must be a Mississippi resident and enrolled in less than 12 credit hours. If student has prior course history, he/she must have at least a 2.00 MCC GPA. Student must apply for federal financial aid. The award is for up to the cost of half-tuition for one semester and will be coordinated with other financial aid. Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA each semester. All awards are based on availability of funds and are made on a first-come, first served basis. Student must reapply each semester for this scholarship.

Scholarship Policies

The following policies and regulations are used in administering the scholarships for MCC:

  • All scholarship recipients must enroll in and be in attendance in 15 or more credit hours and maintain enrollment in 15 credit hours through the end of the eighth week of the standard semester. If by this point a student is not enrolled in and attending the minimum 15 credit hours, scholarship funds will not be applied to the student’s account. Any recipient who falls below 15 credit hours before the eighth week of the standard semester will be placed on scholarship probation for the following semester. This will allow the student to meet the 15 credit hours per semester requirement during the following semester. If the student does not maintain enrollment in a minimum of 15 credits during the probationary semester, he/she will be ineligible to receive scholarship funds. This policy applies to all students except for students accepted and enrolled in a career and technical education program (including Health Education and Nursing).
  • All scholarship recipients must maintain the grade point average as specified in their award letter. There is no probationary period.
  • Any scholarship recipient dismissed from school for disciplinary reasons forfeits his/her scholarship and is not eligible for another scholarship.
  • A scholarship recipient who fails to attend school in consecutive fall/spring semesters forfeits his/her award.
  • Scholarships do not cover fees, such as registration, technology, safety and security, or summer school tuition and fees.
  • Any scholarship recipient who officially or unofficially withdraws forfeits his/her scholarship. The student will then be ineligible for a scholarship for the following semester of attendance.
  • Any scholarship recipient who withdraws from school is encouraged, but not required, to pay back any of his/her scholarship. The student will not receive any refund of scholarship money.
  • Scholarships are awarded for a maximum of four semesters.
  • Any student in default on any type of financial aid is not eligible to receive any scholarship.

Additional Policies for President’s and Dean’s Scholarships

  • President’s and Dean’s scholarships are only awarded to first-time freshmen from the State of Mississippi. To qualify, students must attend MCC the fall semester immediately following their high school graduation. Students who attend MCC during the summer following their high school graduation are eligible for a President’s or Dean’s scholarship in the fall. Students must apply before the first day of fall semester classes.
  • President’s and Dean’s scholarships are awarded on the basis of the date a completed file is received in the Financial Aid Office, not on the individual’s ACT score. A completed file for a President’s or Dean’s scholarship includes a scholarship application and a copy of the student’s high school transcript, including ACT scores.
  • Scholarship awards cannot be raised after the first day of classes for the first semester of enrollment.
  • President’s and Dean’s scholarships are given for four semesters (excluding summers) provided the student enrolls in and maintains 15 or more credit hours and the required grade point average.

Other External and MCC Scholarships

Lauderdale County/ Meridian Junior Miss Awarded to the winners of the Junior Miss Competition.
Future Teachers of America (FTA) Given to a deserving education major.
Winston County Health Care Scholarship Given to a student in a health related field who agrees to work after graduation in Winston County.
Lanier Walker Navy League Scholarship Given to a deserving MCC student.
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indian Scholarships The Choctaw Indian Tribe offers numerous scholarships to its constituents to attend MCC.
MCC Band and Chorus Scholarships Awarded to MCC band members or chorus members.