2024-2025 MCC Academic Catalog 2024-2025 MCC Academic Catalog |

Three ways to locate information
#1: Type what you are looking for in the “Catalog Search” box, located at the top left of this page.
#2: Click on “Advanced Search” to look for specific courses and/or programs.
#3: Choose from the navigation bar along the left side of the page.
Create Your Personal Portfolio
The Add to Portfolio feature allows you to save information in your own personal folder so you can go directly to it!
Click on the Add to Portfolio link at the bottom of the right menu.
If you are a new user, click Create an Account. You’ll type your email address and a password. If you choose not to create an account, your information will only be saved until you close the catalog.
Then use the right menu or search box to find what you are looking for in the catalog.
When you want to save a section, click the Add to Portfolio link at the top right of the page.
The next time you go to your portfolio, your saved material will be there!
Need help?
If at any point you have questions about how to navigate this catalog, just click on the Help link at the top right of the page.
Board of Trustees
Jamie Cater
Tommy Dulaney
Labaron Hedgemon
C.D. Smith
Alex Weddington
Administrative Officers
President, Dr. Tom Huebner
Vice President for Finance/CFO, Drew Edwards
Vice President for Workforce Solutions, Joseph Knight
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Michael Thompson
Vice President for Advancement; Executive Director of Meridian Community College Foundation, Dr. Leia Hill
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, Dr. Cedric Gathings
Associate Dean of Student Affairs/Athletic Director, Sander Atkinson
Dean for University Transfer Education, Dr. Chad Graham
Dean of Workforce Education, Dr. Lori Smith
Associate Vice President for Technology, Dr. Kelley Gonzales
Assistant Vice President for Nursing and Health Education, Dr. Lara Collum
Dean for Institutional Effectiveness/SACSCOC Liaison, Valerie Bishop
Assistant Dean for Institutional Research, William Davidson
Disclaimer: Meridian Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or age in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Compliance with Section 504 is coordinated by The Office of Student Affairs, 910 Highway 19 North, Meridian, MS 39307. Email: 504Compliance@meridiancc.edu. Compliance with Title IX is coordinated by Mr. Derek Mosley, Social Science Instructor, 910 Highway 19 North, Meridian, MS 39307. Email: Derek.Mosley@meridiancc.edu.
The provisions of this catalog are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the students and MCC. This catalog attempts to present information regarding admission requirements, courses, degrees, tuition, fees, etc., in as accurate and up-to-date fashion as possible. This does not, however, preclude the possibility of changes taking place during the time period of this catalog. When such changes happen, they will be publicized through normal channels. Prospective and current students should consult an advisor for any changes in the information in this catalog